
Humans Nature - Good or Bad? Essay

Good Essays

Human Nature
Good or Bad?

Whether human beings are instinctually good or evil in an elementary natural state is a question that has been boggling the minds of even the greatest philosophers. There is a spectrum of theories that support both good and evil within the human race, each with valid points that explains the range of our interests, being either for ourselves or for others. However, my personal stance is the sensible theory of Altruism. Past experiences and observations allow me to take the stance, and support the argument that humans are caring and genuinely good individuals and have the will and desire to help those around them. Philosophers such as Mengzi (4th Century BCE) also known as Mencius in the West, explains …show more content…

These ongoing debates continue into literature and are for example the two philosophical authors Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and Joseph Butler (1692-1752). One philosopher fighting for the truth of the evil nature within humans, and the other rebutting for the good. Hobbes’ book the “Leviathan” expresses harsh outlines for the nature of human and describes the human life as, “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” 1 He concluded that humans are antisocial, and that cooperation between individuals or groups is nothing but self-interest. Joseph Butler however, wanted to reestablish his belief and published the book “Fifteen Sermons Preached at Roll Chapel.” His goal was to prove that human nature included positive elements. Within his book, Butler states that humans have varying characteristics pertaining to their nature and this encompasses a measure of self-interest. This self-interest is a natural attribute that roots back to the human animalistic nature of “survival of the fittest.” This self-interest is also a human quality that does not conflict with benevolence. Butler arranged these human attributes into a hierarchy with the top being conscience. In regards to conscience, Hobbes maintained the opinion that acts of kindness

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