
Human Service Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

To begin with, the environment and surroundings has a lot to do with how one will grow up and ultimately make decisions that will alter their future in a major way. In Gary’s situation, he based all of his decisions completely on how he grew up and the future he THOUGHT he would have. He is a 17 year old young man that struggled terribly during school, had to go through the 6th grade twice and that was the beginning of his self- doubt. Now in high school is barely getting by so in his mind college is not an option. To make matters worse, his family was very poor and his mother wasn’t much of a mother. Due to all of these tribulations; being poor, not having a much of a mother to teach him the life lessons he needs to survive in the real world and not being able to excel in school led Gary to do drugs. Drugs were …show more content…

“Human service professionals recognize and build on client and community strengths.” (NOHS) It is the responsibility of the professional to bring out the strengths of their clients in order to make them choose better choices in life. As Gary’s Human Service provider, one should lay out all of the challenges that he is facing and discuss his plan of action. After carefully reviewing and discussing his thought process, the provider should then make him realize the consequences behind the choices he would be making. For example, Gary wants to quit school and work at a burger shack. The human service provider should then explain the consequences of not having a high school diploma and how hard it would be to get a better job than the hamburger shack to support not only him but his new family. It is our job to help our clients realize their potential in every aspect of their life in order to change their behavior and make better life

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