
Human Resource Development : Strategic Growth Of The Overall Company Essay

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Strategic planning helps a company to predict and manage their future needs based on their trends in business while human resource planning helps a business implement their recruiting methods based on the needs of a department in the business and the needs of the consumers. Each of these things go hand in hand with one another and they help make the overall company more successful and reliable in the eye of not only its employees but the people who choose to buy or use them in any way. This paper is going to further examine the different roles of the human resource development as well as the strategic growth of the overall company based on its staffing process and all other activities associated within the business. The staffing process is mainly used to structure and meet all of the company’s goals while taking into consideration the eight main ingredients of the staffing elements: 1. Training And development 2. Performance appraisal 3. Compensation 4. Employment decisions 5. Orientation 6. Selection 7. Recruiting 8. Human Resource Planning Each ingredient is responsible for a different and important part of the company. For example human resource planning is in my opinion the groundwork of the overall company. In order for a business to run successfully it has to have people in place to do that. Human resource planning assesses all of a company’s current employees as well as looks at the trends in sales and the time of year and hires or fires accordingly. The main purpose

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