
Human Life On Mars And The Red Planet

Good Essays

Mars Exploration

For over 60 years now, humans have been trying anything possible to get information on our neighboring planet. Known as the “Red Planet”, Mars is the closest planet to us in our Solar System that has the chance of having human life on it. Though the chances of life on Mars are slim to none, many space organizations, including NASA, are still exploring the planet for any signs of life. Questions that many of the NASA crews ask themselves are : Is there water on Mars? What is the radiation on Mars like? And will it effect the exploration of Mars? How can we get humans to Mars safely? These questions are being asked by space agencies all around the world, however, the question that is getting more attention is : Will there ever …show more content…

There are just not enough technologies in the world to get humans to Mars. Also, Mars just doesn’t have all the right conditions to accomplish the goal of many space organizations. One of the major reasons why humans won’t be able to live on Mars is the temperature differences from Earth and the “Red Planet”. Though there are many other reasons why humans are most likely not going to live on Mars, the temperature is one that stands out because of the major contrast it has from Earth. The average temperature on Earth is 61 degrees Fahrenheit with the lowest temperature being -126 degrees Fahrenheit and the highest being 136 degrees Fahrenheit. In comparison, Mars average temperature is -55°F while the lowest temperature was -195°F and the highest temperature was 70°F. Because of these stunning facts, most scientist believe there is no chance of life on Mars. However, NASA and other space agencies still explored and continue to explore our neighboring, mysterious …show more content…

I still strongly believe that, in my lifetime, there will be no humans living on Mars. To add to my stance, I have a strong opinion that no humans will even touch down on Mars surface in the 21st century. Though I have this dominant stance, I still believe NASA and the other space agencies need to continue to explore our red neighboring planet. Mars may just be the only other planet in our solar system that has a chance of having human life on it and we may be closer than ever to the ultimate goal : getting humans to

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