
Human Conduct Meaning Sympathy, Civility, And Relationships

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Since when the first writing was established in the Mesopotamian area, most cultures have strived to create a legacy that allowed people to remember them. And with the major empires rise before the common era were without the technologies and knowledge that we know today, it seems impossible. But the early empires were significant in the spread of knowledge, religions, or technologies; each with its own mark on history. And two eras that have exceeded in every way were the Roman and Chinese empires. During the Eastern Zhou era, ideas were furnished to “promote harmony and stability” (Judge, Langdon 80). This allowed the ethical philosophy in China, especially Confucianism, to be produced. It was absorbed into Buddhism and Daoism, and helped sustain the culture in times of political trouble. Confucianism stresses “humane conduct, civility, and relationships” (Judge, Langdon 81). Human conduct meaning sympathy, civility meaning courtesy, and the relationships that Judge and Langdon talk about are mainly to one’s parents, leaders, and ancestors (81). Confucius stresses in Analects that this is the Moral Way and that it could “return Chinese society to a state of harmony and justice” (Andrea & Overfield 93). Although Confucianism was not written down during its founder’s life, the immediate followers were able to write down his teachings and produce them to their emperors. This held their rulers and officials to “high moral standardards, promoting good governance and discouraged

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