
Human Bioengineering Persuasive Essay

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Scientists have made tremendous advancements in human bioengineering, and have succeeded in providing thousands of infertile women with the possibly of having children with using in vitro fertilization. Furthermore, scientists have discovered ways to cut and paste DNA using the CHRISPR technique, that allows certain inherited diseases to be cut out of an embryo egg, therefore, eliminating ailments that can be passed down through pregnancy. The process of human bioengineering is a spectacular accomplishment for scientists, however, the process should be kept illegal because it is a potentially disastrous practice that can affect the economy, foster care system, and donor’s health.
My position on human bioengineering is not perfect because I believe it has a lot to offer our society its medical research and possibly eliminating all diseases one day. In addition, it can cut cost of medical treatment for acute and chronic disease such as cancer and diabetes by preventing them at the cell level. Human bioengineering is a controversial topic that has started a lot of debate on the matter, but my position is still that it should be illegal and banned from the United States. Therefore, banning human bioengineering will prevent any further research that could lead to dangerous use of this technology and falling into the wrong hands of people how wants to use it for profit and creating a superior race. Similar, to what Hitler did with the Aryan race and put the Jewish people in death

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