
Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering

Decent Essays

People always look for miracles in their life. What if there is a way to miracles? Genetic engineering can create miracles, by making impossibles to possibles. From the name genetic engineering we can define that is all about genetics. Haircolor, color skin, eye color, long or short all comes from genes that are inherited from the parents. What if we can create and customize our gene to have specific traits and actions? Genetic engineering is more beneficial than risky and has a huge effect on the today’s society because it plays a major role with treating human diseases, for pharmaceuticals and genetically modified foods for people and animals.
Genetic Engineering & Its Process
Genetic engineering is the process of manipulating genes by adding new DNA or modifying the genome (which is a made of DNA) to add new beneficial traits in that organism using biotechnology. It removes the DNA from one organism and transfers into another organism. This changes the actions of the genes to serve human goals. DNA plays a huge role in this process. It contains human’s unique genetic code and also hold the instruction to make the proteins in the body.
Genes is the physical and functional unit of heredity which are made up of DNA. It carries the information of that determines traits that are passed on by the parents. There are two copies of genes which comes from each parents which is to be exact twenty chromosome from each parent to make up forty six chromosome in a baby. As by the

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