1. I am a highly quantitative person and I appreciate when people bring numbers with their analysis. I love to use probabilities to measure the possible outcomes of my decisions, even when they are non-work-related. According to Pythagoras, “All things are numbers” and I completely agree with these words, so before scheduling a meeting, send in advance any quantitative analysis you may have done. Additionally, I am a very visual person and I understand better when I see something, so please try writing down your ideas before scheduling a meeting;
2. I always go directly to the point, have difficulty making small talk with people I don’t know well and feel comfortable dealing with facts and hard data. That does not mean that I am rude or dismissive. I am actually a very social, straight-forward person;
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I like my privacy and solitude moments. I get my energy from being alone exploring my own ideas, which doesn’t mean that I am anti-social. I actual enjoy working with extroverts and sit next to people and talk with them one on one about their work and concerns. However, sometimes I just need to be alone with my thoughts. So don’t be upset if sometimes I prefer not to go out for drinks or feel like meetings are taking forever;
4. Be proactive and don’t be afraid to talk a lot when you’re with me. I feel comfortable listening and considering suggestions. In fact, introverts are considered better leaders than extroverts when leading a team of extroverts, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or ideas with
The Legislative Branch has the job of creating bills, which are later given back and forth to the House of Representatives and the Senate, then hopefully to the president to become a law. When I studied bills that were in session by representatives, I found that most of the bills created never became laws. This happens often because community representatives and senators have difficulties agreeing on bills. I also noticed that Representatives were not frequent at creating bills based on the issues they cover. For instance, the Representative for the 63133 District of Missouri, Lacy Clay, sponsored the H.R.3683 bill, which was only introduced and was last altered November 20, 2015. The H.R.3683 focuses on getting programs that exemplify the
Begin by creating and assigning the LAN subnets you will use. In order to make the most efficient use of
for – iterates through a collection or iterable object or generator function. For loops can be used when the number of iterations are well identified
I registered to take SEPS 405 summer 2015, but I had to drop it. I was having problems with finding a intern. job. My assigned director was Sharon Davis due to a glitch in the system but it should have been you. Sharon would have taken 195 hours and I would have to work 15 hours a week until the semester was over. Would this still be okay? I wanted to know, so I can present this to possible jobs. I will be registering to take it summer 2016. Hopefully you are still the correct person to speak with in regards to this matter. If not, can you please point me in the right direction.
Karen was a 21 year-old international student from China who has been studying at a Canadian university for 2 years. She grew up in a middle class family and the youngest of three siblings. About a year ago, she was diagnosed with Attention deficit hypertension disorder.
Karyss is a 2nd grade, who has repeated second. She will be turning 8 in August. She has an individualized education plan in place to support her writing and reading comprehension. As of April 29th, she started coming to for support with number sense, multiple step word problems and fact fluency. Her math grades have been three all quarter long. Cognitively, she has an even profile: General Conceptual Ability = 95 Average, Verbal = 96 Average, Nonverbal Reasoning = 96 Average, Spatial = 98 Average. These scores show that she has the ability perform on a grade level task. On the Second grade CASE 21, which is a county benchmark assessment she scored two at 39%.
This quiz consist of 40 multiple choice questions. The first 10 questions cover the material in Chapter 9. The second 10 questions cover the material in Chapter 10. The third 10 questions cover the material in Chapter 12. The last 10 questions cover the material in Chapter 13. Be sure you are in the correct Chapter when you take the quiz.
Business model entails many facets. To narrow down the meaning of business model, it refers to the way businesses intend to create products to sell and to generate revenue in a particular industry (Ovans, A., 2015). As business decided elements necessary to accomplish goal and objectives, they must consider many factor that influence business models. According to Band (2009a), people, process & strategy effect business models. People effects business models through skilled or unskilled employees, organizational structures and incentives. Studies found that user adoption is the top problem that organizations face when implementing CRM solutions. Lack of training and education compound implementation CRM solutions. Change in
I am originally from California I spent more than 15 years of my life there and I still have family living that lives there now. I have lived in a few states Montana, Texas, Utah and Washington of course.
The biggest breaking story I chose was about the Afghans heading to the polls to vote amid the threats of insurgent attacks. On the CNN website, it seemed like the story was less detailed and descriptive than the other sites. Even though it covered the situation in Afghanistan, the information was delivered in a more passive way than FOXNews and MSNBC, almost as if it was a more opinion-based article. I noticed also that some of the key points that were covered on the CNN site were also covered in the other sites. Information on how many candidates were competing for election and how many seats were available in parliament seemed to be a point that all of the sites included. One main difference in the information that CNN covered, compared
The goal of communications is to make ethics a live, ongoing conversation. If ethics is something that is constantly addressed, referenced frequently in company meetings, and in personal conversations among managers and employees, then people are more aware and more willing to defend the company’s policies when they see or hear of problems. Employees will hold other employees responsible and accountable for living the company’s values.
For this week’s discussion board question I decide to go out and try to find details about a person and see if I could get them to let me use their phone. I thought that this would be a challenge and people would be very unlikely to trust a stranger who they didn’t know and expected to be rejected multiple times. I also thought this would be difficult for me because I am a very introverted person and don’t feel comfortable talking to people if I don’t know them. Amazingly, it was very easy to do and on my first try I was able to get someone to let me use their phone.
I narrowed search to include articles that have been peer reviewed and published between 2005 and 2015
This is my fourth semester attending Lamar Institute of Technology. The thing that seemed to be most difficult was that most students are not offered outside opinions on teachers and the classes offered. It seems like a challenge due to the fact that as students he or she does not know what he or she are getting into.
Amanda and Erica’s grades may differ for a variety of reasons. Studies show that the more academic activities a parent is involved in is significantly associated with their child having higher literacy achievement, lower rates of grade retention, and fewer years needing special education (Miedel & Reynolds, 2000). Amanda’s father’s income, education, and occupation also all correlate with her literacy abilities (Buckingham, Wheldall, & Beaman-Wheldall, 2013). Parental education has the strongest influence of the three (Buckingham, Wheldall, & Beaman-Wheldall, 2013).