
Hsc300 Unit 3 Team Project

Satisfactory Essays

My project will be dedicated in saving the turtles. I will be participating at the NOAA program. This project will mostly be learning more about turtles. Also, protecting their wildlife habitat. One of the assignment I will be given at the program is to take care of the turtle’s nesting grounds. I’ll volunteer my time and be able to have a close-up experience with these creatures. This job will require for me to be there day and night since it’s nesting season. This project will help me to make connections with the world because I will be working with one of the most-well known organization on Maui. I will learn more about turtles and their habitats. This will challenge me because I will need to dedicate my time during the week. This means I need to organize my time and plans. I have a list of five questions that will be answered to finish my project. These questions are: How do turtles hatch their eggs and how it looks like? What can we do to help turtles? What does turtles do in their daily life? How many turtles still remain in Hawaii? How much does turtles affect our environment? The 21st Century Skills this project will develop are self-directional, communication and civic literacy and engagement. In self-directional skills, I need to develop my own goals and I need to do it in perfect timing so that I can receive everything I need. In communication skills, I need …show more content…

Some ways that I will document my project is that since I’m participating and volunteering at NOAA, animal protection I will be taking photos of me helping turtles. Second I will take notes on turtle behavior. Third I plan to volunteer at the night shift. Fourth, I will create a video of my progress in helping turtles and lastly I will create a presentation of helping the turtles. I will be able to know if my project is a success when I successfully save a turtle and being able to document my

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