
Hrm/531 Week 1

Decent Essays

Jason Fried argues that bringing people together to work in the same physical location creates distractions that inhibit individual employees’ ability to get their work done. Mr Fried’s identifies managers and meetings as a main cause of distraction in the workplace, but face to face communication is the real focus of his argument. Meetings and managers often interrupt employees from the task that they are working on. Employees have little or no control over when these interruptions will take place. After these interruptions, individuals have to reset their train of thought after the interruption, which then adds to the amount of time required to complete the task that they are working on.
I agree that spur of the moment interruptions are very disruptive in the workplace, even if the disruption is work related. I experience multiple interruptions each day, and as a result, I am often unable to focus on the task at hand, and my productivity suffers. To limit disruptions, I often opt to work from home in order to focus on major, or time sensitive, projects.
However, I disagree with the elimination of meetings all together. Meetings are an essential part of connecting a group of employees, ensuring that pertinent information is shared, and that progress or performance are …show more content…

Meetings give supervisors an opportunity to give recognition to individuals as well as groups, which increases motivation and addresses employees esteem and self-actualization needs. Most people crave recognition and want to be involved in decision making processes; these needs can be met through involvement in meetings. Social needs can also be fulfilled through meetings and face to face communication. For example, parents of young children may not have an active social life outside of work, and instead fulfil their social needs through work

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