
Hrm/531 Week 5

Decent Essays

As the Ground Station software lead for the Triton Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) program, I recognized that the review of software Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) items had become a continuous “do loop” and was tying up valuable program resources. My team was responsible for the review of over 30 CDRLs and their preparation and review was costing the program almost $15,000 apiece for each review cycle. We had fallen into a rut where the documents were submitted, my team along with subject matter experts would review and provide comments. The contractor team would then respond to these comments without any coordination and resubmit the documents. My team would not agree with the adjudication of the comments so the review process would start all over again. This process needed to improve to save the program both time and money. First, I worked with my contractor counterpart to develop a strategy to improve the joint review process. I proposed shifting the bulk of the review effort to a peer review which was an informal review and required less involvement up the program chain and was a cost savings. In return for adding this additional review, I agreed to conduct the review in half the time of a …show more content…

I developed a checklist for the team to focus on during their review and conduced training so all team members understood their responsibilities. Knowing what and how to review enabled the team to conduct the review more quickly and efficiently. The review team consisted of my team along with a diverse group of specialty engineers across the entire program. To ensure that everyone was “on the same page”, I developed a notification template that provided all due dates, location of the documents to be reviewed and instructions on the review itself. Since each reviewer was focusing on their specialty area, I would also include specific document sections for them to concentrate

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