
Hplc Determination Of Caffeine On Analgesic Powders

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CHE 333-03 11/21/16 Formal Report HPLC Determination of Caffeine in Analgesic Powders ABSTRACT: Components containing caffeine were composed into stock solutions. These solutions were diluted to 1: 10 substance: mobile phase. A stock solution of caffeine was diluted 1:50. A sequence of diluted caffeine solutions were prepared for use as a standard (ppm): 1, 2, 4, and 10. Solutions of acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid, and Goody’s Powder were developed to differentiate chromatographic peaks observed. These solutions were subjected to HPLC for examination of the observed peak area and retention time for the set of compounds. Comparison of retention time allowed for the differentiation of peaks observed. The peak area obtained was utilized to determine the relative concentration of caffeine present in Goody’s Powder based on the relationship obtained in the standard. The content of caffeine present in Goody’s Powder by percent weight was identified. INTRODUCTION: The separation of molecular particulates from any mixture may involve any combination of the relative chemical, electrostatic, and mechanical properties composing each component contained therein. Typically this mixture may exist as a liquid solution or gaseous species. The respective interactions of each particulate depend on the surrounding conditions to which the solution is subjected. A solvent is utilized to dissolute the mixture such that it may pass through a separation chamber that contains

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