
Caffeine Deprivation Summary

Satisfactory Essays

The observation study completed by Michelle Gail Caldarone, studied the effect of caffeine consumption of three hundred fifty students at North Dakota State University. Caldarone’s thesis, “Caffeine intake in college students,” provides research throughout a seventy-two-hour period where participants reported their dietary intake and physical wellness through NutritionCalc Plus, and a seven-day self-reported sleep diary through Connect. The results of the study concluded that there is no correlation between caffeine consumption and sleep deprivation.

Throughout the study, few relationships were observed between caffeine consumption and the studied variables. The average total intake of caffeine is 33.29 with the standard deviation of 50 milligrams. There is no significant difference of average consumption between the two hundred and twelve male subjects and one hundred thirty-eight female …show more content…

This information session allows the study to obtain more accurate data for precise results. However, the variables contributing to physical wellness and sleep were self-reported. This could result in a response bias which results is misleading or unreliable data if a participate chooses to answer a question untruthfully or inaccurately reports data. Undercoverage bias is also present in this study due to the fact that different groups of age, gender, and race were left out of the study, and the study does not represent the entire college population. Caldarone also provides personal research before introducing her observational study and she also provides the citations of the studies she has included in her thesis. However, Caldarone’s study did not provide the same results as the research she cited which states that caffeine intake effects sleep

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