
How to Balance Penn Foster Studies with Work and Family Demands

Decent Essays

How to balance Penn Foster studies with work and family demands The biggest challenge for many of us is how to balance our studies, work and family demands. While we want happy fulfilling lives outside of family, work and school, we have to make personal sacrifices in order to be successful in life. Since time is precious, keeping a balance between three worlds can be a challenge. Fortunately, with proper planning, balance is possible. Every day, I have to make choices and manage my time incredibly well in order to be able to balance my online studies, my work and family demands. In my opinion family demands, work and studies balance are a process, not a static achievement. So, it is important to make the decisions selecting careers …show more content…

We are all very busy with work and school so sometimes we forget what needs to be done in time, so the daily planner is a very useful tool that helps you remember important events. Every day I update something new on my planner that would keep me updated for the upcoming week or month. For example, when it comes to my studies I have a special section for it and I always put a writing “study an hour in am and pm for English” to look over the materials on the given chapter. It is a great way not to fall behind on your studies and you are much better prepared when it comes on taking the chapter exam. When it comes to work I put the days and hours that I work a head of time so I can be able to figure out the time I have left to spend with my family and time for studying. As I mention before, family time is very important to me so I mostly put on my planer simple family stuff such us having dinner in a certain time, days of going out, or doing different chores, enrolling my son into daily or weekly activities, shopping, or family trips. I actually love the idea of doing my Penn Foster degree online , because it allows you to study at your own time and pace. Online classes fit your schedule in any time throughout 24 hours of a given day. If help is needed there are just a phone call away helping you in every step of the process. I attended college classes on campus for a couple of months

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