
How Was The Gospel Presented In The New Testament

Decent Essays

My post deals primarily with how the gospel was presented in the Old Testament and how it was fulfilled in the New Testament. In the following paragraphs, a brief presentation of the two issues will be discussed in great detail.
To begin with, we are going to describe how the gospel was presented in the Old Testament. First of all, it, the gospel, was not reveal as it is in the New Testament. It was a veil gospel that was promised and announced to the people of Israel. To understand it, the people of Israel have to remove the veil through the understanding of different skills of language. In addition to skills of language, they have to understand the gospel in a threefold way such as the laws, the prophets, and the psalms. The laws are about God and our neighbors. The law teaches us to do good with both God and our neighbors. If we fail one of the laws, we fail all of them. Thus, the law causes us to suffer since it is very difficult to accomplish all of the laws. As a result, we need to have a solution to that problem. …show more content…

The people of the Old Testament period had to understand also the several promises and prophecies made by the prophets. They had to identify the Messiah who had to come through promises and prophecies with regard to Genesis to Malachy. In fact, all of the prophets talked about the gospel. For instance, the prophet Isaiah spent enough amount time in addressing the gospel in his writings, and they even call his writings the gospel in the Old Testament. In Isaiah chapter 53, the prophet provided a very good description of the Christ. So, we need to see the accomplishment of the

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