
How To Write An Honors Course Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout middle and high school, I have always taken accelerated courses in math, reading, science, etc. Although honors courses are challenging, they help me develop as a person. They taught me how to manage my time, work independently and with others, and ask for help. Before high school, the curriculum was not academically challenging, so I never asked teachers for help. When high school rolled around and I had to juggle four to five honors classes a semester, it was difficult to ask for help. Nevertheless, for the benefit of my education, I overcame this challenge. Asking for help is necessary for growth and success. This was particularly prevalent when I took AP Calculus BC. I visited my calculus teacher for help. We got to know each other in a way that couldn't be achieved in class. He even nominated me for student of the term. I learned that when given additional resources, such as teachers …show more content…

I will engage in research, acquire hands-on experience, and apply what I learned in class in real life scenarios to make an impact on people’s lives. I will partake in service opportunities like my current roles in NHS and FNHS. My personality will benefit those around me. Honors College will place me in courses with exceptional students who are dedicated and focused. They will push my performance as a student. Even now, classmates gauge their performance with mine and vice versa. As a result, they motivate me to catch up or stay ahead of the competition. Competition is the catalyst for improvement. Likewise, I always encourage my peers to do their best, for I want to see individuals succeed. Moreover, there is no point enrolling in classes that won’t challenge me; where I am perched at the top. There is no intellectual growth there. Whereas, challenging courses and talented students help establish high goals for me. This symbiotic relationship between my peers and I will springboard us to greater

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