
How To Throw A Baseball Essay

Decent Essays

My task was throwing a baseball. Over the course of the data collection, I gradually improved. I think as I started throwing every day, I got better at throwing which allowed me to throw farther. Also during the data collection, I tried different methods of throwing a baseball. As a child, I was once insulted by my great-uncle for how I threw a baseball, so I had absolutely no idea how to throw a baseball effectively for distance. Now after trying to throw a baseball for 15 days, I have figured it out. That is one of the main lessons I learned from this project, how to throw a baseball.
You could see that I was improving by the positive slope on my first graph. This graph showed the relationship between the day that I threw the baseball and how far I threw it. Because of the positive slope of the regression and the positive r-value you can tell that I was improving. Some days I fell back, which is to be expected, but overall my number improved. My first throw of the data collection, I threw the baseball 493 inches and my last throw was 546.
One thing that I noticed during this project was that my variables did not impact my activity at all. None of my slopes were extremely high and all of my r-values were under 0.6, so nothing was very strong. …show more content…

I can only throw so far and the variables all have limits. For example, the range of my throws can go from 0, if I drop it, to 5350 inches, because this is the world record throw and I do not think past this is currently humanly possible. Also, as stated before, all of my variables has limits. Like the temperature in Georgia will not go over 120ºF, the highest recorded temperature in Georgia is 112ºF, and it will not get colder than -17ºF, the lowest recorded temperature in Georgia. Also, time has limits like I can only do up to 24 hours of homework before the next day starts, I can only sleep for 24 hours in one day, and I can only run for 24 hours before the next day

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