
Essay On How To Throw A Baseball Pitch

Decent Essays

Many times, someone who plays baseball, or knows something about baseball, may see someone simply throw a rock and think, “Wow, they really could have a future with the arm they have.” You may not be interested in baseball, but you can be enlightened with something from people who are very good at what they do. Maybe, some of you could take some things, and apply them, and you will find a hidden talent. The topic of enlightenment is how to throw different baseball pitches.

First off, the supplies that are needed are, but certainly are not limited to: a baseball, a baseball glove, another person with a baseball glove, and an open area. A pitching mound can be used to gain the full potential of the pitches you will learn to throw. Also, catchers equipment and a catcher would benefit you to …show more content…

To reach this potential, you can take lessons from someone who has perfected the craft of pitching. With all of these things, you must now learn to throw the pitches.

After having gained all the materials needed and having the proper instruction, you can now begin learning to throw different pitches. However, you must first know what each pitch does, what the pitch is used to do, and how the pitch is most effective for you. The three main pitches are the fastball, change-up, and curveball. To start, the fastball is a pitch that has the most speed out of any other pitch. While the pitch is called a fastball, there are two different types of fastballs: the two-seam and the four-seam. The two-seam fastball is relatively similar to the four-seam, however the two-seam will move into a right handed batter and away from a left handed batter. The fastball is used to get a strike on the batter, set the batter nup for an offspeed pitch, and often, it is used after an offspeed pitch to disrupt the hitter’s timing. Now, the curveball is often the pitch with the lowest velocity. A curveball also has the most movement among all pitches.

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