
How To Reduce Poverty In The United States

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while nations like United States of America have worked really hard to eradicate it domestically, it still widely exists internationally. Poverty has been a consistent problem throughout history. No matter what the median income, unemployment or overall property level is, there will always by people who are homeless and hungry. Despite being one of the most prosperous countries in the world, the United States is not immune to it either. The federal government measures poverty by the numbers. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, The percentage of children in poverty is 27.7 percent of the total population in poverty with the supplemental measure and 36.1 with the official measure; while people over 65 are 12.7 percent of the total population in poverty in the supplemental measure and 7.6 percent in the official measure. …show more content…

Neither level was statistically different from the 2011 estimates. In 2012, 6.3 percent of married-couple families, 30.9 percent of families with a female householder and 16.4 percent of families with a male householder lived in poverty. Neither the poverty rates nor the estimates of the number of families in poverty for these three family types showed any statistically significant change between 2011 and 2012. More than 46 million Americans live in

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