
How To End Poverty In America

Decent Essays

Poverty is a major issue that has worried America for years. America has worked extremely hard to end poverty,it still widely exists. There are some solutions to this world problem though such as food stamps, shelters, and obama care. It is important that while the challenges facing poverty are large, the solutions are feasible and can happen.
Poverty has been a serious problem throughout history. No matter what the source of income, unemployment or your upraising is, there will always be people who are hungry and in need of a home . Despite being one of the most wealthy countries in the world, the United States is not immune to it either. Even today, there are still people to find a stable home, feed and clothe their kids. This social problem has different impacts on different people. However, there are possible solutions that are available to destroy this social problem of poverty.
In the past 25 Years, poverty has been a steady condition in United States history. Not only that, but today there is even more discussion focused on poverty. More and more aid seems to be going to minorities. This segment of the population has retracted to working multiple jobs while taking care of children (Glennerster). Therefore, …show more content…

As a result, the widely launched government aid programs were targeted towards these minorities (Glennerster). If the country’s resources are being utilized for a specific segment of the population, then it singles them out for discrimination by those not reaping the taxpayer benefits. The middle class poverty issue is primarily affecting the local state and city governments that are under pressure to fund and supply food banks for people that don’t have the means to do so (Chen). This shows the issue of poverty under these perspectives influences not only local and state governments, businesses, but also people’s attitudes towards those suffering from

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