
How To Kill A Mockingbird Alternate Ending Essay

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I lifted my first forkful of, well, whatever this meat is, and carefully placed it in my mouth. My eyes eased shut in amazement as the perfectly cooked square of pure happiness collided with my tongue. Never in my life have I tasted something so magnificent; so – satisfying. My eyes snapped open and I shoveled more of the gourmet meal into my mouth. Potatoes, corn, beans, and my favorite: a warm biscuit topped with melted butter. This meal reminded me of the good ol' days. Back when we had it all. The Cunninghams weren't always poor. In fact, when I was very young, we were on top of the world. Granddaddy Cunningham made a fortune when he bet his new cow fund on Jesse Owens during the 1936 Olympics. It turns out, the man my granddaddy bet …show more content…

Are you alright?" Atticus asked worriedly, glancing at me. "Yes -- just lot in thought, they're good this season." I assured him. All I received in reply was a grunt, and Atticus continued munching on his biscuit. I looked down at my plate, and realized in the time I'd been sitting there, I'd only take that single bite. As I hefted my fork to my mouth the second time, a though occurred to me. I'd never tried the molasses covered food that my granddaddy always raved about... "Do you have any Molasses?" Atticus appeared confused for a moment before summoning Calpurnia, his helper, to fetch me some. She returned with the warm pitcher of the sweet condiment. I took a small taste, and proceeded to stuff my face with the best food I'd ever tasted in my life. 'I see why granddaddy talked about it so much,' I thought to myself. I ate until I could not stuff myself any longer. But, as the pain of a stomach ache rolled in, it occurred to me why I like living the way I did. These materialistic things the Finch's had only cause them pain. One who has nothing of immense value, has nothing to lose. So what if I can't hear the music of Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald? So what if I can't go see Frankenstein and King Kong? So what if I can't afford to wear the same fancy clothes as everyone else? I possess the things I cannot lose: Love, friendship, and

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