
How To Increase Crime In America

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There are many time periods that I am fond of but I think my favorite time period is the 1950s. I think I would be happy during that time period because everything was simpler and more safe. Children could play outside without their parent worrying because most people just left them alone and kidnapping was unheard of. Most people also lived in the suburbs and I think I would be able to fit into that life nicely. I already live next to my grandparents and one of my brothers so living next to more nice people would not have been a problem for me. Elvis was also live alive and rock and roll was too. The music was more pure and pleasant back then, not like the music we have now. Everything was also much cheaper. Gas was 20 cents a gallon versus …show more content…

In the 1950s the chances of an American being murdered was significantly lower than it is today. The amount of drugs and rape cases in the United States has also increased.The growth of cities could be a factor in the raise in the crime rate because cities typically have the most crime. This affects the whole country's crime level even though the smaller towns have a significantly smaller rate of crime. People were also more likely to live in the suburbs and small communities rather than a large city so they did not contribute to the crime rate. Violent video games have also become a popular trend for our youth so this may be a factor of that. Violent crimes have also been more televised than in previous years because news stations know that violence receives a lot of interest when televised. There have also been problems with racial discrimination so that has created some tension between different ethnicities which sometimes explodes into violent crimes. The crime rate has also increased because of theft. There has been more theft in the United States because of the rising level of poverty. More and more people are growing up in poverty so when they grow up they tend to steal because they do not have anything of their own. They then have children and then as their children grow up they also steal because they know no different. This is a more recent trend which was …show more content…

The baby boom occurred at this time because many Americans believed that since the war was over all the bad times were also over. There was an increase in the national gross product mostly from the construction of roads and other national improvements. Wages were high and most people had jobs so there was more money that people had access to. People were able to spend more money for things they like and there were many advancements that gave them things to want. There was also a civil rights movement that was becoming popular and was flourishing. Separate but equal facilities were ruled against the law so the integration of African Americans into white facilities began. Nonviolent resistance was common unlike today when protests are more frequent than peaceful protests. There was not as much anger between the races as there is now but instead there was a sense of dissatisfaction. Nonviolent protests were still the most popular form of expression even with the level of satisfaction that was present. The violent protests that occur now are probably due to the higher crime rate. Protests now also involve theft as well as the violence toward cops and even regular citizens. While the protest is going on the focus of the policemen are on the main group of protestors small groups of thieves break into nearby stores and take merchandise

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