

Decent Essays

In the video Freakonomics, the creators of the documentary focus on the argument, “Where have all the criminals gone?”. Crime and violence were the top concerns of America. The documentary discussed how crime rate in the United States between 1970 and 1999 was decreasing year to year. It mentioned how in the 1990s crime was at its peak and was expected to go higher, but the opposite occurred, in reality crime decreased. Some possible explanations for the decrease in crime in the 1990s such as crack cocaine increase, gun control, more police enforcement, the establishment of more prisons, a strong economy, and the legalization of abortion. Out of all these possible explanations, better police enforcement and the legalization of abortion seem …show more content…

Many observers believe it was due to the adoption of innovative policing strategies which is currently high in this city. An increase in number of police officers would signify that there is a smaller probability for one to commit a crime because many of the criminals are now incarcerated unable to do any harm. However, the theory I agree with which played a huge role in the decrease of crime in the United States is the legalization of abortion. Nicolae Ceauescu believed that the banning of abortion would be a benefit to Romania since no abortion would result in more kids which means more workers and that would lead to a stronger economy. On the contrast, the Roe v. Wade court decision decided to legalize abortion in the United States. With the legalization of abortion, many women took advantage of this because they were able to stop and unwanted pregnancy from happening and favored the opportunity of having the right to choose. More women were having abortions during this time that by the 1990s crime severely dropped. All in all, the reduction in crime rates was due to the fact that there was hardly anyone to commit the crime since many of those babies who could have grown up to become criminals, were not born. Even though there was an increase in the police enforcement, I do not think it necessarily influence the people or had such a great effect on them and the decrease in

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