Human all go through their ups and downs, always overcoming the rough obstacles that have enforced them to accomplish the goal set. Ranges of extravagant actives/academics have influenced the path to accomplish my goals. Determining the goal to become a Physical Therapist have been influenced by many features like shadowing a physical therapist and an early college high school. Observing someone who has accomplished what you want to accomplish gives you a sensation of accessible goal. Shadowing the different specializations of Physical Therapy from pediatric to sports medicine were of great help. Being able to determine an area in which one has a connection to helped me become more determined and confident of what I want to do. Through these routinely shadowings done in school I clearly gained extreme focus on adult Physical Therapy. …show more content…
Enrolling in an early college high school has not been anything easy however nothing is impossible. A medical early college high school is well worth the difficulty when it involves something of interest in which helps you achieve your goals. Many of the courses offered at my school offer a huge insight to many of the health professions offer which in my case have been for Physical Therapist. With the school being early college many resources are available like a trip to the University of North Texas for the Allied Health program Physical Therapy session. In which an overview of how the education process will be gives me an idea of what to expect. Although many goals we set at times may seem never ending or hard to achieve them, however they are not. With the influence of an early college high school and the shadowing of a Physical Therapist my goal of becoming a Physical Therapist has never been closer than ever. With all this said one must strive to achieve what I and many others, dream to
For my career goals, I want to become a Physical Therapist. Physical therapist specializes in helping the human body recover and restore mobility while also managing pain. A Physical therapist helps their patients restore their mobility functions after an accident or assist in reducing the pain the patient feels. They provide different exercises that continue to support their mobility and lower the amount of pain. My short-term goals are to finish college and earn a doctorate in physical therapy.
Ever since I was a child, people always asked me what I would like to be when I grew up. At first, I would always say that I wanted to become an engineer because of my love for hands-on learning and my exceptional problem-solving skills. However, when I grew older I found that similar spark of fascination in the medical field. I wanted to go into a profession where I could help others and use my love for problem solving and hands-on interest. This is when I became interested in occupational therapy and fell in love with the profession. Occupational therapy has several elements I find passion in such as, the ability to be hands on and help change other people’s lives in a positive manner. My goal in life is to become an occupational therapist and help others live independent lives again. As I work to obtain this goal, I am doing many things such as strengthening my writing skills because this major involves many various aspects of writing. To succeed in this field, one needs to be able to write strong research-based papers and cite all sources correctly. I am striving to master these skills in hopes that I can succeed in and accomplish my academic goals.
As my high school career comes to an end, I am about to take the first step into the next stage of my life. My fellow classmates and I have been asked for many years, "What do you want to study in college?" and "What career would you like to pursue?" Also for many years, we have been asking some equally as difficult questions: "Why are we learning this?" or "When are we ever going to use this in the real world?" After a lot of consideration, I have decided to study to become a physical therapist (PT), and I have realized the importance of the seemingly "useless" information that I have learned during my time at EHS.
The duties for a PTA are in charge of the treatment area , making sure the area it’s clean and ready for the patients. The job skills that a Physical Therapist should have are the following reading comprehension , active listening ,writing, speaking , science and critical thinking.
When I first attended Lindenwood University and I had no idea on where I wanted to go with my life. All I knew is that I would not be stuck behind a desk for eight hours a day and that I wanted to work with people. For a while I thought I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be an influencing part in someone’s life, but it didn’t take me long to realize that teaching was not what I was being called to do. I had a very strong passion to help people, so I started working towards a degree in Exercise Science with the idea that I could do something with the rising obesity issues, but it still didn’t feel right. I started meeting with my advisor, Heather Pennington, who helped me start looking around for different options. She strongly encouraged me to try out different facilities, including several Occupational Therapy environments. I didn’t have a particular “aha” moment where I decided that Occupational Therapy was right for me, but the various experiences showed me what my potential future career path could be.
I am successful Doctor of Physical Therapy and mother with a family. I have created goals for myself, some that I have already accomplished and some yet to complete. I see a strong woman, who knows that I can have it all and obviously looks like she can handle it all. My secret to success is by multi-tasking because every day I am able to raise my family and continue in the career path that I chose as a teenager. I chose to become a Physical Therapist because I knew that I would have the opportunity to work with patients at all different age levels and abilities and to help them overcome pain or injuries from my ever growing knowledge of the Physical Therapy
During that first journey back in first grade, I learned something about myself, that would only increase as the years went on:passion. It was through this initial trial that I learned that if I put my mind into something, I will chase after that dream -no matter what- until it becomes a perfect reality. This mentality has guided me through numerous situations and taught me perseverance and confidence. At Wayne, I will continue to use these traits as I run towards my goal to become a Physical Therapist. Along the way, I hope to be the light to other’s
My educational goals to achieve the career of a Physical Therapist, are to major in Biology and minor in Spanish. During undergraduate school, I plan to volunteer in physical therapy units as an interpreter when needed while gaining the experience of a Physical Therapist. Then, I want to complete a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in graduate school and get my license. I plan to return to Hood River and create events every month that offer free check-ups to agriculture workers and anyone that cannot afford medical help. I plan on giving back to the community that has helped my family when in need.
My career plan primarily starts with graduating from high school. Once I walk across the stage May 2017 I plan to further my education. I plan on getting accepted to my dream college Winthrop. I will major in Biology. I will take the pre-physical therapy program that the biology department offers. After completing my four years I will then move on to graduate school in order to be a certified physical therapist. I’m well aware that becoming a physical therapist is very competitive and requires hard work. I fully understand that it will not come easy. After spending up to 4 more years in college I will finally become a physical therapist. Going to school for physical therapy is basically like medical school. Medical school and physical therapy
One of my main goals for this practicum is to learn more about occupational and physical therapy. To get a better understanding between the two and what their fields entail. The reason this is my main goal is because I am on the fence with which field I am wanting to go on to grad school for. I am leaning towards occupational therapy, but I am still curious about physical therapy. This is why I am choosing to observe both occupational and physical therapists during my practicum. I am planning on shadowing at two facilities. Another goal I am wanting to fulfill is getting a broad spectrum of age groups. What I mean by this is I would like to observe both young and old patients. I would like to compare the work a younger adult does towards the
In today 's ever changing medical scene, the educational requirements necessary to graduate from college and receive a job are constantly changing. As science advances and more people seek out healthcare, the prerequisites needed to provide this healthcare are becoming more and more rigorous. This is especially evident in the field of physical therapy. Over the last 135 years, the entry-level education requirements have slowly changed from a simple masters degree to a new doctorate degree, the Doctor of Physical Therapy (Threlked and Paschal). While most people agree with this new requirement, others argue that the time and effort required to receive this degree result in minimal benefits. Contrary to these claims, physical therapists should be required to graduate from a Doctor of Physical Therapy program prior to becoming a licensed physical therapist because this level of education teaches them the skills necessary to be a successful physical therapist.
After high school, I’d wish to pursue a degree as a physical therapist assistant. Ever since I was younger I always knew that I wanted to become a PTA or else an athletic trainer. Sports introduced me to physical therapy and physical therapy assistants. I’ve played sports ever since I was a little girl. I also got injured many times playing sports which led my to go to physical therapy. I’ve always thought that the body was so fascinating and always want to learn more about it. I participate in Health Occupations where I am able to actually go shadow a physical therapist and see what they do.
Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build.” This quote explains how I plan to attain my goals. Achieving my goals will not be easy, but I know that with preparation I may better my chances of succeeding. I have started to educate myself on what it takes to become a Pediatric Occupational Therapist and I have commenced setting up job shadowing days. I have taken eleven dual credit classes
My interest in healthcare professions, specifically Physical Therapy started around the beginning of high school, when I took an interest to all of the health science courses such as biology and nutrition. This interest sparked because of an accidental fractured leg my friend had which required a physical therapist to rehabilitate. Only because of the critical role physical therapists played in the rehabilitation process, was he able to return to the track and fields. My professional goal is to become a part of this process and be the reason why individuals are able to lift their arm and walk again.
“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence”-Confucius. This quote not only represents how I want to be every day, but also how I want my clients to feel after every day of working on their fitness and wellness. I am planning on getting my bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and then applying to graduate school to become a Physical Therapist. My goal in life is to help people be the best they can be through physical fitness and wellness.