
How To Be A Physical Therapist

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Human all go through their ups and downs, always overcoming the rough obstacles that have enforced them to accomplish the goal set. Ranges of extravagant actives/academics have influenced the path to accomplish my goals. Determining the goal to become a Physical Therapist have been influenced by many features like shadowing a physical therapist and an early college high school. Observing someone who has accomplished what you want to accomplish gives you a sensation of accessible goal. Shadowing the different specializations of Physical Therapy from pediatric to sports medicine were of great help. Being able to determine an area in which one has a connection to helped me become more determined and confident of what I want to do. Through these routinely shadowings done in school I clearly gained extreme focus on adult Physical Therapy. …show more content…

Enrolling in an early college high school has not been anything easy however nothing is impossible. A medical early college high school is well worth the difficulty when it involves something of interest in which helps you achieve your goals. Many of the courses offered at my school offer a huge insight to many of the health professions offer which in my case have been for Physical Therapist. With the school being early college many resources are available like a trip to the University of North Texas for the Allied Health program Physical Therapy session. In which an overview of how the education process will be gives me an idea of what to expect. Although many goals we set at times may seem never ending or hard to achieve them, however they are not. With the influence of an early college high school and the shadowing of a Physical Therapist my goal of becoming a Physical Therapist has never been closer than ever. With all this said one must strive to achieve what I and many others, dream to

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