My career plan primarily starts with graduating from high school. Once I walk across the stage May 2017 I plan to further my education. I plan on getting accepted to my dream college Winthrop. I will major in Biology. I will take the pre-physical therapy program that the biology department offers. After completing my four years I will then move on to graduate school in order to be a certified physical therapist. I’m well aware that becoming a physical therapist is very competitive and requires hard work. I fully understand that it will not come easy. After spending up to 4 more years in college I will finally become a physical therapist. Going to school for physical therapy is basically like medical school. Medical school and physical therapy
Right now you are most likely working at the job you have wanted since you were in the sixth grade. So how is being a Physical Therapist? I already know the answer, absolutely wonderful. You are probably working with as many children as you possibly can just so they can get back on the field and play the sport that they have come to love. I bet seeing the smile one those children’s faces when you tell them that they can return to play is the best feeling in the entire world. I can’t wait to experience it for myself. I know with no doubt that you employed at either a high school, middle school, or either opened your own clinic just so you could work with kids.
As I have almost completed my sophomore year of college, I know what my career goals are at this point. I am currently on the physical therapy track planning to declare the major of exercise science: applied kinesiology. I became interested in PT after hearing many appealing things about it such as: the rapid growth and demand of physical therapists, the purpose it serves, and financial stability that comes along with the rewarding work. I am eager to learn about the functions, progress, and healing of the human body in the most natural manner, and through exercise science my knowledge in this study will certainly grow.
Continuing an education after high school would be an enormous accomplishment! I have considered and thought about all the hard work college will be, but the amazing benefits are worth it. College is an essential part in becoming something and someone greater. Progressing on to college after I finish up high school means producing a difference in the world while moving to the next step in my life. Once I graduate high school, I plan to attend Pacific University to complete a four year degree in Pre-Physical Therapy. Making the decision of what I want to do is a tremendous deal, because it can potentially become what I pursue for the next 40 or more years of my life. I have attentively considered becoming a physical therapist as it has become
My post-secondary educational plan is to study in the medical field to become a Physical Therapist. It will take several years to become a physical therapist. Before I am allowed to practice I would need a graduate degree from certified academic programs in physical therapy. These programs typically in a doctoral degree and take at least three years to complete. To become a PT some of the classes I will need to take are anatomy, physiology, and biology.
My higher education will consist of six to seven years of college, including a two or three year DPT program. The first four years of my schooling will take place at the University of Illinois Springfield where I will major in pre-medical biology. After earning my bachelor's degree, I will transfer to a physical therapy school to complete my DPT. Additionally, I will need to complete 30 weeks of clinical work. Upon graduation, it is very likely that I will apply for and complete a one-year residency and a possible fellowship to specialize further. To attain my license as a physical therapist, I will have to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination administered by the Federation of States Board of Physical Therapy and fulfill any stipulations that the state requires. After taking all these steps, I will finally reach my dream of becoming a physical therapist. The job outlook for my profession is looking very promising; employment is projected to grow 34 percent from 2014 to 2024, which is well above the average rate of other occupations. The median annual wage of PTs in May 2015 was $84,020. Needless to say, I think that I will be able to live a happy, fulfilling, comfortable life after becoming a physical therapist -- after I pay off my student debt, that
My educational goals to achieve the career of a Physical Therapist, are to major in Biology and minor in Spanish. During undergraduate school, I plan to volunteer in physical therapy units as an interpreter when needed while gaining the experience of a Physical Therapist. Then, I want to complete a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in graduate school and get my license. I plan to return to Hood River and create events every month that offer free check-ups to agriculture workers and anyone that cannot afford medical help. I plan on giving back to the community that has helped my family when in need.
“So, do you know what you are doing yet after graduation?” This is a notorious question everybody gets asked at one point in their lifetime. Most people do not know the answer to this question, for there is a very broad range of things to do. I have known ever since I was little that I wanted to go to college for something along the lines of medical science, or health science. I just was not sure for what job exactly. It was not until this previous summer when it hit me that I wanted to become a physical therapist. One day my mother and I went to Vantage Physical Therapy because she had an appointment for her foot. As soon as I walked into the building, I looked around and was just blown away by the facility. There were tons of enjoyable, genial people everywhere. During the appointment, I had paid close attention to everything the therapist had done and was incredibly intrigued. Not to mention, I love anything that has to deal with science, the human body, and health. While I was observing at the appointment, everything piqued my interest. To give an illustration, the therapist had me help tape people’s legs and my mother’s foot. I immediately fell in love with physical therapy. When I had gotten home, I quickly ran to the computer to scrutinize the requirements such as education, degrees, licenses, background information, just about everything. I knew it was the job for me! Now when people ask me that renowned question I can finally answer, “Why yes, yes I do!”
Although many goals we set at times may seem never ending or hard to achieve them, however they are not. With the influence of an early college high school and the shadowing of a Physical Therapist my goal of becoming a Physical Therapist has never been closer than ever. With all this said one must strive to achieve what I and many others, dream to
After high school, I’d wish to pursue a degree as a physical therapist assistant. Ever since I was younger I always knew that I wanted to become a PTA or else an athletic trainer. Sports introduced me to physical therapy and physical therapy assistants. I’ve played sports ever since I was a little girl. I also got injured many times playing sports which led my to go to physical therapy. I’ve always thought that the body was so fascinating and always want to learn more about it. I participate in Health Occupations where I am able to actually go shadow a physical therapist and see what they do.
Considering the capacity of a physical therapist’s knowledge of the human body, completion of a PT program is required (“Physical Therapy Schools”). After I graduate with my Bachelor’s of Applied Movement Science from University of Texas at Austin in 2021, I plan to enroll in the UT Health San Antonio School of Health Professions and become a part of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at their institution with a specialization in orthopedics. In addition, my coursework for this program will incorporate studies in research, management of patients, and 100 semester credit hours, including full-time clinical affiliations that last for 30 weeks as well as a four-week specialty clinical rotation ("Doctor"). Simultaneously, most physical therapy programs train prospective physical therapists with a distribution of eighty percent of classroom based learning along with twenty percent of hands-on learning throughout the program, according to “Intriguing Physical Therapy Statistics (And Facts).” Essentially, programs that explicitly prepare a student like me for the work force with a total 1,360 hours of clinical practice have a high passing rate for state licensing exams
My life has been an ongoing stuggle, but my hard work, determination, and enthusiasm for my education have enabled me to pursure my dreams. My academic plans are to major in pre-occupational therapy. After graduating and completing the prerequisite, I plan to obtain a license in Occupational Therapy by attending OT School. Success does not come from a pay check. For me, helping and assisting others acheive their goals is the purest form of success. I want to travel and eventually settle down in my hometown. My overall career goal is to give back to the community that shaped me into the person I am. I am a hardworking-dedicated student, who focuses on my work, yet I have always enjoyed being involved in extracirricular activities. As you can see from my application, I enjoy sports and clubs. In the following year, I plan to get deeper involved
Throughout my life, I want to be able to say that I have lived every aspect of it to the absolute fullest and have reached my highest potential. I want to know for myself that no time was wasted and I took advantage of every opportunity presented in front of me because some people aren’t fortunate enough to say that. My goal is to excel in the next chapter of my life. This will include being a productive college student and entering a physical therapy program to become a successful physical therapist - my dream job. Considering my goals, being involved in National Honors Society, playing high school varsity basketball , and taking the appropriate pre-physical therapy courses in college will help me achieve them.
My interest in healthcare professions, specifically Physical Therapy started around the beginning of high school, when I took an interest to all of the health science courses such as biology and nutrition. This interest sparked because of an accidental fractured leg my friend had which required a physical therapist to rehabilitate. Only because of the critical role physical therapists played in the rehabilitation process, was he able to return to the track and fields. My professional goal is to become a part of this process and be the reason why individuals are able to lift their arm and walk again.
I was first introduced to physical therapy in high school when was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis due to an irregular gait while running in cross country. Having to attend physical therapy as a patient I grew interested in the practice and the outcomes it can create for people who face injuries. I viewed physical therapy as a fun and exciting way to manipulate the body in order to help strengthen and recover from injuries. It wasn't until I first visited Ghana in 2013 that I fully understood the difference physical therapy can have on people's lives. I spent three summers in Ghana where I worked at an orphanage in a remote area called Shia Hills. When visiting the neighboring villages I noticed a lot of knee osteoarthritis and slight
Looking back at my career aspirations paper, I would say that my goal of becoming a Physical Therapist is specific and very realistic. I had stated that in order for me to reach the Physical Therapist goal one of the things I had to do this semester and the rest of the year was to excel in all my classes in order to start out with a good GPA building block. So far, I am doing really awesome in all of my classes. At the moment I have five A’s and one B and so academically, I am on the right track to becoming a physical therapist. Unfortunately, I have had a change of heart in what I aspire to be when I grow up. I no longer want to pursue being a Physical Therapist, and instead I have gained two different career aspirations.