
How The Water Feels To The Fishes Analysis

Decent Essays

Ignorance is bliss as said by many people. As defined in the dictionary it is,”lack of knowledge or information”(google). It could be a blessing or a curse. In this case, humans being ignorant is a curse. Our thoughts have been so conditioned that our curiosity has been stolen from us. We no longer have her own unique thoughts, we just go with what we are told. In How The Water Feels To The Fishes by Dave Eggers, he writes how ignorant humans can be to everyday things like, air.
“People always ask the fishes, ‘what does the water feel like to you?’ and the fishes are always happy to oblige”(23).The fish have more wisdom compared to the humans. They are more attendant and aware of their surroundings. They know how ignorant the humans can be and always try to help them out. They explain to the humans how water can feel “like the fur of a chinchilla”(23). Or "like the tongue of a cat”(23). It can feel many different ways depending on the temperature or time of the day. When it's cold out, "the water is like cracked glass. Or honey "(23). When honey gets cold it turns solid, like an ice cube and cracks. Cold honey is similar to cracked glass in the way that they look and that they are sharp. To the fish, that's …show more content…

We need to question them. We need to stop following people around trying to be normal just to fit in because that's what everyone else does. We grow up being told what to wear, how we should look and what to think about. We need to just stop accepting that things exists and start questioning what they are and why they are. Why is the sky blue? Why do fish swim? Those are thing we just accept and we do not question them. We take them as they are and do not evaluate them.We need to start living our lives for ourselves and stop trying to please everyone else, stop following social norms just because everyone else does, be your own person, question the world, explore things, make up your own

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