
Examples Of Ignorance In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The phrase “Ignorance is bliss” has been used quite frequently. I remember first hearing it in the movie Matrix, when Cypher is talking to Smith but it has been around for much longer, since 1742. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, ignorance is illustrated by Miss Stephanie Crawford, Miss Caroline and Mayella Ewell. On the first day of first grade Scout’s teacher, Miss Caroline, tries to give Walter some money. “She went to her desk and opened her purse, Here is a quarter.”(Lee, 21) She doesn't realize that Walter Cunningham can't pay her back. She is ignorant to what the country folks have. But then when Scout tries to explain why he won't talk the money, Miss Caroline gets mad. Also she is mad at Scout's father …show more content…

She tries to hide the fact that she loves to dig up people's lives by making excuses about why she goes to town all the time. Like when she is telling scout about Boo stabbing his dad with scissors. (Lee, 11) Miss Stephanie Crawford is always ready to make gossip whether true or not. She also likes to make up stuff, like when she said she saw Boo at her window and it looked like a skull. (Lee, 16) She shows ignorance by not seeing the true state of people and what her gossip can do to them. Mayella Ewell is one of Bob Ewell’s kids. The Ewells live in a shack behind the dump. Mayella is the oldest of eight kids and is nineteen years old. She attacks a man named Tom and kisses him. When her daddy saw that he drove Tom off and then beat Mayella badly. When Bob takes Tom to court to cover up the beating. When Mayella is teasing she is accusing Tom of rape she is not considering what will happen to Tom or his family. Thus she is showing ignorance to his situation. She also shows her ignorance to how the world works when she gets mad at Atticus when he addressed her as Miss Mayella, ect. As demonstrated here. “What are you scared of? "..."Him," she Mayella sobbed”, pointing at Atticus. (Lee

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