
How The Cost Of Shelters And Age Distribution Affects The Aboriginal People Of Canada

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The Relationship Among Aboriginal Population, Age and Shelter Costs
Course: SOC222H
Professor’s Name Riva Lieflander
Name: Yingjun Li
Student ID: 1000677957
Date: 04/20/2015
The 2006 Census Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) involved a total of 844,476 people. Participants were randomly selected in a manner that represented all social characteristics that existed among Canadians. Technically, it was estimated that the number represented only 2.7% of the Canadian population. It is also on record that the 2006 PUMF involved a total of 123 population variables, of which 83% (102) represented individual variables, while the remaining 17% (21) of all variables used represented family, dwelling, and household variables. The purpose of this research is to determine how the cost of shelters and age distribution affects the Aboriginal people of Canada in relation to the 2006 Census Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) on individuals. The research employs both age distribution and shelter cost as major variables affecting the Aboriginal population. The research will conduct an inferential statistical analysis on three major variables: Aboriginal population, shelter cost, and age. For the purpose of this research, both age and shelter costs will be employed as independent variables relating to the overall Aboriginal population, which is the dependent variable. Another question that the paper aims to research is whether there exists a relationship

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