
How Significant was the Reformed Faith to the Success of the Dutch Revolt?

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The Dutch Revolt of the sixteenth century, was a conflict between the Protestant Low countries, and the Catholic Spanish Empire. This resulted in the division of the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands, and eventually the formation of the Dutch Republic. This struggle culminated into a Religious split. The Dutch speaking north were tolerant to various religious affiliations, whereas, the French and Walloon South, remained loyal to Philip II, and were predominantly Catholic. In order to determine the significance of Reformed faith in the success of the Dutch Revolt, interpretations from both Peter Griel and Wallace will be explored. Additionally, social, economic and political factors will be considered, in order to determine their …show more content…

Here, another fundamental factor is introduced, that of centralisation and the independence of the individual provinces. Furthermore, Philip II, was a conservative Catholic. His policies to acquire religious uniformity such as his edicts and the Inquisition, led to persecution of heretics, This religious suppression resulted in further aggravation in relations. The Count of Egmont and the Prince of Orange emerged as the leaders of the opposition

On 5th April 1566, The petition of compromise was presented to Margaret of Parma,by William of Orange,who was accompanied by approximately 200 armed men. The petition requested that Philip put a stop to religious persecutions in the Netherlands, which were implemented through the edicts and the inquisition.This document makes clear that inquisitions had not been adjusted since Charles reign, and that now they were presented with different times things had changed. Here, seems to indicate the introduction of Reformed Faith and ideas entering the Netherlands, had some impact of some kind. The petition warns Philip of the situation, and presents the concerns of the nobility, which is primarily that of their own interests, being their property. Religion is not emphasised significantly. The consequences of a revolt would be detrimental to the nobles as they would be unable to protect their lands. Additionally, fears of slanderous testimony been given about them, purely

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