
How Is Liz Related To Psychology

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The film from Homeless to Harvard is about a young girl named Elizabeth referred to as Liz. Liz has an older sister, father, and mother. In the beginning, of the film Liz is a young girl that watches her mother fall into a drug addiction. When her mother falls into drugs, she is no longer able to take care of Liz therefore it leaves Liz to fend for herself. Her father wouldn’t look after her and her sister only cared about going to school. Her family doesn’t show her love her family is always doing their own thing no one really cared about Liz. Liz never really went to school but when she did go to school it was rare. When she got to school it would only be to take test she would always pass, she was smart. When she wouldn’t got to school she would read the encyclopedia. Her teacher was one of the only people who cared about her wellbeing and her education. Liz had no friends in her whole childhood, Liz would get bullied because she was the smelly kid that had lice. Her mother later on left back to her abusive father’s house with her eldest daughter while Liz stayed with her father. Because she wouldn’t show up to school Liz was taken away from her father had to be put in a child care system, another reason was because her father didn’t take care of her and motive her to go to school and get her education. She was able to go back and live with her mother, sister, and grandfather by the age of 15. When Liz went back to her mom she later found out her mother had aids and developed a drinking problem. Liz started going to school again. While in school Liz made a friend named Chris, …show more content…

She wanted to be something in life and not a nothing like bother her parents and sister. She didn’t let any obstacle get in her way what she wanted she tried to get. She wouldn’t take less that an A on anything and made sure that she would get nothing less and if she could she would try to get

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