
Qualities of Heros in In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

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How would you determine if some one was a hero or not? What characteristics would they obtain? Do you think you have hero-like qualities? The Maribal sisters are three young girls who start an underground revolution against their very own dictator. This revolution is still remembered today. They realized the man Trujillo was not who he said he was or who he wanted to be viewed as. The group in the underground revolution were known as The butterflies. One
Maribal sister, named Minerva was who I believe to be the true hero in the history of this event.
She was responsible, stood up to Trujillo, and followed her dreams to go to college and obtain a law degree.
Minerva was a responsible young lady. "... I asked papa if I could go along." P.12 …show more content…

66 here Minerva questions Trujillo to his face while all other girls just agree with him and whatever he may have to say. Yet again showing her string personality. "He yanks me by my wrist, thrusting his pelvis at me in a vulgar way, and I can see my hand in an endless slow motion rise-all mind of its own- and come down on the astonished, made-up face" P. 67 in this situation,
Trujillo invades Minerva's personal space and she slaps him because she knows who he truly is.
Minerva stands up to him and does not let Trujillo treat her like the rest of the girls.
Minerva is in no way a push-over. This is hero-like quality to have, she stands up for what she believes is right and will also go to the next level to do the things she wants to do. Minerva made it possible for herself to go to college and get a law degree. "I want to go the university......I've always wanted to study law." P.65 Minerva tells Trujillo about her wanting to study law, a trait that not many people think of women to do in these days. "I'm not interested in admirers until I have my law degree." P.66 Minerva explains to Trujillo that her law degree is more important to her than other things. She shows that she doesn't need or want a thing to do with him or anything that comes between her law degree. "Minerva insists, though, that I give law a chance." P. 87 Minerva is perusing her dream of getting a law degree and explains to her sister that it would be good to invest in. The way that Minerva

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