
How Is Jecko Portrayed In The Red Dog

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The little character stories included throughout the movie are very significant to the personality of the character. These emotions of the characters were captured by the director Kriv Stenders in the movie Red Dog, The stories of the miners really give the audience a glimpse of who they are deep down. The movie is set in the Pilbara, Western Australia. The inhabitants need a friend to share the feelings of loneliness and loss, to provide a sense of purpose. Red Dog helps the miners to create a sense of community. Vanno, Jocko and Peeto are unique their stories are portrayed throughout the movie.
Jocko is an important character discusses his problems through stories shared at the Lord Nelson pub. His past was stopping him from doing the things he wants. Jocko’s family died in a car crash when he was driving. “One morning I found it not so fine” as Jocko went down the beach. He had “no money, broken heart, loss of hope” and no home to go to. Jocko attempted to commit suicide by drowning himself, Red Dog swam out with the stolen meat from the BBQ, and Jocko thought that Red Dog had come to save him and gave him a reason to swim to the surface. Jocko stole the meat off out of Red Dogs mouth and …show more content…

His emotions portray how much he loves Abrussi as he is constantly talking about it. “The ski patrol has permission to slit your throat” because Vanno keeps on talking about Abrussi. So instead of Vanno telling the stories to the ski patrol, he tells them to Red Dog. This shows how Red Dog is different, and is a “special doggy” and has “a gift”. This is where Vanno really gets to know Red Dog and they become great mates. This is a good decision because he gets to tell his stories about “great, big, beautiful nuts” and he also doesn’t get his throat slit. Some people try to act what they’re not and over exploit their feelings for someone or something

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