
How Does Francois Show Compassion Towards Animals In The Call Of The Wild

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During 1896 to 1899 the Klondike gold rush caused many people to mistreat work dogs. Whether they knew it or not. In the book “The Call of the Wild”, the author reveals how humans view work animals differently through the perspectives of Francois and Hal. Francois shows compassion towards the animals, and is smart about the maximum amount of work per dog. Hal shows annoyance and anger towards the dogs, and he doesn't make the smartest choices about care for the dogs. Francois has compassion for the dogs because of his perspective on how animals should be treated. “Hungry as he was, he would not move to receive his ration of fish, which Francois had to bring to him. He also rubbed Buck’s feet for half an hour each night after supper, and he

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