
How Has The Reformation Changed The Face Of Christianity

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The Reformation has changed the face of Christianity a lot. The Reformation is a reform movement against the Roman Catholic Church. This began when the people had complaints about the problems in the Catholic Church. So, they would call to their leaders to end the corruption and focus more on religion. This then led to the Reformation. Martin Luther was a priest and wanted to reform. So, he nailed a list of complaints to the church doors in wittenberg Germany. This was called the 95 Thesis. The list had angered many catholics and soon later he was excommunicated. Luther was called to the diet of Worms, and later his ideas caused a split in the church. Those who protested against the Roman Catholic Church were called Protestants, and Lutherans. …show more content…

The Catholic Reformation is the effort to stop the spread of Protestantism and to reform the Catholic Church from within. In parts of Europe, Catholic leaders were responding to the criticisms of Protestants. Catholic reformers created new religious orders, or communities, in southern Europe. These orders wanted to win people back to the Catholic Church. Spanish noble, St. Ignatius of Loyola founded the first of the new orders. This order was the society of Jesuits. St. Ignatius was a knight and the jesuits were the soldiers of religious duties. By teaching catholic things. Then, later, the Council of Trent was created. The Council of trent is a meeting of church leaders in Trent, italy. There was also catholic missionaries, who travel to foreign countries to spread their faith. Around the world Catholic missionaries baptized millions of people. Through their efforts the Catholic Reformation reached far beyond Europe. The reformation created division within europe. In Spain most people were Catholic. In the northern countries most people were Protestant. This led to Political conflicts, and later came religious wars. The Reformation led not only to political changes but to social changes

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