
How Hamilton Portrays The American Identity

Decent Essays

Hamilton the Musical comprises many themes, one of the biggest being American identity. The American Identity is based on valuing freedom/civil rights, diversity, and having a strong work ethic. The musical portrays historical events throughout the founding and early days of America in a modernized way. It tells Hamilton's story in a way that interests current day viewers. The musical reflects American Identity through expressing diversity and showing value for constitutional rights/strong work ethic, and effectively modernizes it in a way that makes Hamilton's story entertaining to today's audiences. There are many ways that Hamilton the Musical portrays the American identity, one being that it represents how immigration contributes to it. …show more content…

Hamilton came to America and sought to make changes. Once in the position to do so, he spent all of his time working towards his goals. We see this in "Nonstop," which references the writing of the federalist papers. "In the end, they wrote eighty-five essays, in the span of six months. John Jay got sick after writing five. James Madison wrote twenty-nine. Hamilton wrote the other fifty-one!" These founding fathers, especially Hamilton, worked hard to complete The Federalist Papers. Their desire for true freedom through the United States Constitution and their strong work ethic represents the American …show more content…

The main genre of music throughout the musical is hip-hop/rap. This modernizes history in a way that attracts viewers and spreads a larger message, as many people enjoy this genre of music. Along with this, there was a lot of diversity within casting for the musical. This enhanced the portrayal of American identity because it shows that it can consist of many people from various places/backgrounds, yet they can all come together and do monumental things. Hamilton, as an immigrant, was driven to prove himself in the American society. The song "My Shot" is a perceptible testament representing Hamilton's devotion to his dreams, as he sings "Hey yo, I'm just like my country. I'm young, scrappy, and hungry. And I'm not throwin' away my shot." Considering all of the things he went on to do and the fact that there is a musical about him, it shows that regardless of his background, his hard work paid off and his name has left an impactful mark on

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