
Miranda's Influence On American History

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Broadway musical Hamilton is a narrative based on the 2004 biography of Alexander Hamilton written by Ron Chernow. The musical’s composer, writer, and star Lin-Manuel Miranda creates an unlikely political narration with his incorporation of rap within the dialogue between actors as well as music of the hip hop genre. Miranda’s choice for a multiracial cast is also considered controversial among American viewers who believe the musical is not represented accurately. In the musical Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda retells the story of Alexander Hamilton in a modern and contemporary way by incorporating the musical genre of rap and hip hop as well as casting actors of color to play white founding fathers of the United States in an effort to discuss the connection between historical and present day issues such as race and identity.
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s mergence of hip hop and political history develops a …show more content…

Professor of American History at Brooklyn College, City University of New York, Benjamin L. Carp discusses how stage adaptations of history are forced to change historic facts for dramatic effect. In his journal, “World Wide Enough Historiography, Imagination, and Stagecraft” he states, “the fact that the cast members are people of color allows Miranda to connect the eighteenth-century Revolution to contemporary activism against police brutality” (Carp, 292). Candidly, by having a multiracial cast portray the founding fathers of the United States, the subject of slavery becomes more intense in the musical and brings attention to the present-day matter of police brutality towards African Americans in a similar light. The irony of a black man playing a character being assailed for his and his state’s reliance on slave labor is more intense and the character of Jefferson is cast in a less flattering

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