
How Does Violence Cause Death In Macbeth

Satisfactory Essays

Violence drives this story with the many murders and deaths. The starting murderer is Macbeth with killing King Duncan. 3 witches tell Macbeth that he will become the next king but shortly the king declares his son, Malclom, will become the next king. Macbeth then kills the king while he is sleeping in his castle, making him the next king, this results in Macbeth going crazy. Another death is an order for some murders to kill Banquo by Macbeth because Banquo thinks Macbeth killed the king alnd his side of the story the witches told him might be true, his sons to be kings. The murders kill Banquo on his way to Macbeth's dinner. Macbeth orders murders to kill Macduff's family because the witches told Macbeth to beware of Macduff. Macduff wasn't

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