
How Does Social Media Cause Isolation

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Facebook and other forms of social media create isolation and danger for the youth social media creates harm to people and can also lead onto isolation for many youths that are socially active on the internet. During the 20th century, technology began to change very quickly in the 1940’s the first computer was created, and later internet. YouTube was created in 2005 and a year later Facebook was created along with twitter. Social media has been a big issue for many people mainly because it increases the dangers for the active youth that are constantly using internet outlets. Social media has many ups and downs when it comes to health and communication with others.
Social media can be very addicting, and in some instances can cause isolation. Isolation is a big issue when dealing with internet use because in order for a person to become isolated addiction has to occur; when addiction occurs, it causes a person to lose connection with the real world and the people around them. Social media creates the allusion of companionship, people who are not in touch with family or friends tend to make friends through different websites this creates the illusion that the youth is surrounded by many friends.
According to the webpage five ways social Media Contributes to social …show more content…

Facebook lets people stay in connection with family members and meet new people, and can create connections with great opportunities. Different internet websites are a great way to connect with family members that are long distance to you it can also be of great help when it comes to reuniting with long lost family or friends. Video chatting such as Skype is also a great way to communicate with a family member because you are able to see the person you are communication with, for example my husband uses video chat on Facebook to communicates with his family in Mexico and it has worked great for

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