
How Does Scrooge Change

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Ebenezer Scrooge was a rude and ungrateful man. He is old and has white/grey hair. He does not like people, especially during Christmas time. Once his business partner Jacob Marley, died his attitude changed. Marley shows up one day and tell Scrooge that he will be haunted by three spirits. Which take him to The ghost of Christmas Past, The ghost of Christmas Present, and The ghost of Christmas Future.

The ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to his past. He takes him to his hometown. Scrooge is with the Ghost of Christmas past and sees these people pass by while singing. He sees his sister Fan, as well as himself as a young boy. Scrooge also sees the school master and misses having him as his teacher. He sees Fezziwig and his daughters. He starts to get tears in his eyes because he misses it so much. Scrooge used to enjoy Christmas as well as other stuff. Scrooge doesn’t like Christmas for many past memories. One like the woman he loved. Around Christmas time, a young woman and older Scrooge got into a fight because Scrooge worked a lot and didn’t spend enough time with the young woman. Older Scrooge and the young woman broke up, Scrooge was heartbroken. After seeing this again, Scrooge demands wants to leave. The Ghost of Christmas Past disappears. …show more content…

Scrooge sees that his is very rude to many people. When he sees Christmas Carolers he screams at them. He doesn’t turn on the heat in his office so it is always cold especially if Bob Cratchit doesn’t start the fire. Scrooge is very wealthy now a- days. But he still doesn’t pay for heat for winter or AC for summer. The Ghost of Christmas Present takes him to Crachit’s home. Crachit has a wife and four children, Belinda, Martha, Peter, and Tiny Tim. The Crachit’s are poor, they can’t afford the things Scrooge could. Tiny Tim is very sick, he needs stuff to help him get better but they can’t afford

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