
How Does Russell Present Juxtaposition In Blood Brothers

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Introduction: To present inequality, Russell uses juxtaposition to compare the two different experiences of Mickey and Edward in Blood Brothers. Russell uses symbolism to represent poverty. Russell uses prejudice to show how differently the two brothers get treated in society. Point 1: To present inequality, Russell uses juxtaposition to compare the two different experiences of Mickey and Edward in The Blood Brothers. Russell employs juxtaposition throughout the play to contrast the experiences and situations of the two brothers, Mickey and Edward. An example of wealth inequality can be seen in Sammy's line, “I'm fourteen. I wanna be a fourpenny scholar." which then implies that Mrs. Jonestone's family can't afford a bus ticket due to Sammy trying to lie to the conductor that he is fourteen. This is one of the ways Russell presents wealth in the context of inequality throughout the play. Russell's intention is to tell the audience how hard it can be for poor people, or people who suffer in poverty, in society. Russell suggests the poor get taken advantage of by the rich or higher-ups in society. “Don't you know what a dictionary is?” Edward implies to Sammy. This is a way that Russell uses juxtaposition; by Mickey …show more content…

In Blood Brothers, Russell uses milk as a symbol to represent poverty. To show the differences of class in Blood Brothers, Russell says Mrs. Jonstone can't afford milk, which then tells the audience that she suffers from poverty during the whole play of Blood Brothers. “Next week, next week, next week, never arrive here. I'd be a rich man if next week ever came,“ the milkman insists to Mrs. Jonstone. This quote implies that Mrs. Jonstone can’t provide milk to her family or nutrition, as she doesn't have enough money to afford milk. This is one of the ways that Russell symbolises poverty throughout the play. This makes the audience feel sympathetic towards Mrs. Jonstone throughout Blood

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