
How Does Lee Show Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, there are several examples of courage between each of the characters. Harper Lee has shown throughout the novel, that many people have demons they’re fighting, in or out of the bodies or mind. By showing the characters conflicts between themselves and other people, Lee has proven that being courageous is not only physical but mentally too. Some examples of both ways is when Scout decides that she will not fight any more, Scout realising that Atticus is a lot more courageous than she thinks, and Atticus throughout the Tom Robinson case.
In the novel, Scout Finch has shown more courage than most children and adults. For example, Scout has dealt with people talking about how her family in negative …show more content…

Dubose. For instance, Scout was amazed when her father talked to her without being nervous or getting caught up on her words. “ It was times like this when I thought my father who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived”(pg.134). When Scout sees Atticus talking to Mrs. Dubose with so much respect and after what she just said about him, she thinks that he is very brave. Later on in the novel Scout finds out why Mrs. Dubose is so mean, it’s because she was addicted to morphine in her younger years, making it hard on her and others, then Scout realises that she is also very courageous, because she is fighting the need to have the morphine. Also, Atticus wants to prove to Scout that she can be just as capable showing courage is without being some tough man. “ I wanted you to see what real courage is instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand”(pg.149). Scout doesn’t have to be some big burly man that can shoot anything with a gun, she has to be able to realise her mistake and to be able to understand what real …show more content…

One way Atticus helps Tom Robinson is by really trying to make it to where he is innocent. “ Simply because we were licked a hundred years ago before we started is no reason for us not to try to win”(pg.101). Atticus takes the risk to properly defend Tom Robinson was incredibly brave because Atticus is putting his family in danger to defend him is extremely brave and courageous. Later in the novel he also protects Tom from a mob about to kill him. Atticus takes his cases seriously and will do anything to reclaim his client's innocence. “ For a number of reasons...The main one is if I didn’t I couldn’t hold my head in town, I couldn’t represent this country in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again”(pg.119). He wants his children to look up to him with respect and not see as the person that didn’t defend a person because of their race. Atticus doesn’t care about what his client’s have done or what race they are, he cares about whether or not if they are guilty or

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