
Atticus Courage Quotes

Decent Essays

In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch is a lawyer who decides to defend a black man. This man’s name was Tom Robinson, and he was accused of raping a girl named Mayella Ewell. Atticus believes that these accusations were false so he decided to stand up for Tom. Atticus was right to stand up for Tom Robinson because he believed in stopping racism, doing what is right, and defending an innocent man. Atticus is a firm believer in equal rights and to show this he did his best to treat everyone fairly. He has noticed the racism going on in the town and he is not okay with this, to show this, Atticus teaches his kids that racism is unfair and unreasonable “ “As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men everyday …show more content…

Beliefs are important to Atticus and many of his beliefs include of kindness, equal rights, and having courage. Doing what he believes in is highly important to Atticus, which is a reason that standing up for Tom Robinson was the right thing for Atticus to do. “ “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” “(Lee, CH.9). This quote shows us that Atticus had the courage and beliefs to stand up for Tom Robinson, and by defending him he stuck to his beliefs. Atticus’s courage to stand up for Tom was honorable not only for Tom and his community but also to the people against racism. Atticus always believed that being kind was the best thing to do and he shows this by standing up for Tom “ “...I do my best to love everybody…” “(Lee, CH. 11). This quote shows that Atticus is kind-hearted and that standing up for Tom was just another one of his acts of kindness. Since Atticus does his best to love everybody he felt it was a necessity for him to defend Tom Robinson. Atticus not only is kind for his benefits but also for his kids. He teaches his kids to be kind and to treat everyone equal and if he wouldn't have taken Tom’s case he would have been setting a bad example to his children. “ “I wanted you to see what real courage is…” “(Lee, CH. 9). This shows that Atticus is trying to be a good example to his …show more content…

Atticus did the right thing by standing up for Tom, because he was an innocent man and he shouldn’t be imprisoned for what he didn’t do. Atticus knew and believed this and he did whatever he could to save Tom Robinson “ “Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom Robinson…” “(Lee, CH.25). This shows us that Atticus truly wanted to save Tom and he knew that Tom was an innocent man. If Atticus wouldn’t have stood up for Tom the chances are no one else would and Tom would never have a chance of freedom. Atticus also knew that Tom was innocent when Tom began to explain that he was sorry for Mayella “ “felt right sorry for her” “(Lee, CH. ?). This shows that Tom was truly innocent because if he wasn’t a black man would never say that they felt sorry for a white women. This helped Atticus understand that he was innocent, and made it the right thing to do when standing up for him. Atticus also knew Tom as a friend, they were always kind to each other and never treated the each other any different from the other. Atticus knew that Tom was innocent and when guarding Tom’s cell at the jail Atticus stood by him the entire night. “ “Mr. Finch? “A soft husky voice came from the darkness above: “They gone?” Atticus stepped back and looked up. They’ve gone,” he said. “Get some sleep, Tom. They won’t bother you any more.” “ (CH. 15). This shows that Atticus truly cares for Tom and if Atticus

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