Throughout the novel “ To Kill A Mockingbird ” by Harper Lee, many different characters are introduced and explained. The author fills us in on the characteristics and the personality of the characters in the book. For example, how they react in a certain situation or how they generally are around certain types of people. However, throughout the story we can see how they change and develop into a new person or how they develop new beliefs. In the story we see that they go through many types of scenarios and how they learn from what they experience and eventually they figure out the answers to some of the questions they had. But is seems, we are focused on the main characters like Jem, Scout, Dill, and Aunt Alexandra. Of course, there are
Coming of age is a young person’s transition from childhood to adulthood. The coming of age passage that I picked in the book, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, is from chapter 23, pg. 292. In chapter 23, Jem is trying to make sense of everything, after the jury found Tom guilty. Jem starts to cry, and can’t believe the injustice of his townsfolk. He barely ate and was taking little interest in normal activities. Atticus starts to notice and ask Jem what's the matter. Jem is mad Tom got convicted on circumstantial evidence even though Atticus defended him well. Aunt Alexander calls Scout’s friend, Walter, trash which upsets her. But Jem is there to help her get through. Jem says there are 4 types of people in Maycomb county. People like
The book we have been reading in class has three main characters that develop over time. There's Atticus the dad, scout the daughter of Atticus, and jem the oldest sibling whose father is Atticus. The story gives the base for every character's attitude and feelings and as the story goes on.Jem for example, starts off as a 10 year old and by the end he's 13 and in those 3 years you see a great change. He shows that he's smart for his age, long temper, and very caring
There are many key scenes in To Kill A MockingBird that could be considered a “coming of age” scene. One major key scene that contributes to this is in the beginning of chapter 25. In the scene, Scout and Jem are sitting outside on the porch when Scout sees a Roly Poly . She was about to smash it when Jem told her not to. She asked Jem why she couldn’t and he told her, “Because they don’t bother you…” When Jem said this, Scout didn’t really care. She had thought “Jem was the one who was getting more like a girl every day, not I.” Jem seems to have hit his coming of age moment because in the particular scene, he seems more obvious to the world than he was before. This helps set up a theme that causing harm to the innocent is wrong until they are proven guilty of something bad.
To Kill A Mockingbird is a book that employs many lessons in the story, and also uses multiple characters in the book to represent different ideas. Harper Lee uses characters such as Scout Finch, Atticus Finch, and Mayella Ewell to represent these ideas in the book. First of all, Scout represents determination through her forwardness and curiosity. Secondly, Atticus represents rationalism through his patience and kindness with others. Finally, Mayella represents foolishness through her hatred and overreactions. Overall, the use of these characters and their roles convey the story of To Kill A Mockingbird in an interesting and clear way.
Characterization plays an important role when it comes to storytelling. Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, uses different types of personalities from different characters, to pull the book together. Boo Radley is shy, mysterious, and protective, while Calpurnia is a hard working lady, that is a motherly figure to Jem and Scout.
Characters can make or break a story. The way an author uses them decides whether the book will be a good book, or if it flops instead. Some great characters are Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby, Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series, and Jem Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. Each is used in a strategic way by the author to make their story seem whole. They affect themes, plots, and overall feelings in a book. In “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Harper Lee uses the character Jem Finch to demonstrate the themes of innocence and maturity. Lee creates such a personality for him that it has shaped his role in the story. Through Jem’s trust in the goodness of people, he shows his childhood innocence, while his experiences and new understandings help him mature.
To be an honors student it means you are responsible and respectful. A honors student should be ready to take a task and fulfil it to the best of their ability. It means they are ready to challenge yourself with complex tasks and complete them responsibly while going above and beyond.
In chapter 12, Jem changes is that he become difficult to live with, inconsistent, and moody. On page 131, it stated” Jem was growing. I must be patient with him and disturb him as little as possible.” This show that the cause of Jem changing has to do with the accumulated experience over the course of his life as he is growing up. This can make us know why Calpurnia started calling Jem as Mister Jem because he is no longer a young boy who go play around with his little sister, but a young gentleman that can protect his sister.
Firstly, Jem learned courage from Atticus because in “To Kill a Mockingbird” Atticus took out a gun to shoot the dog and then told them “I want you to see what real Courage is instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun” (Chapter 11, Page 149). Jem learned something that meant a lot because they now know that a weapon doesn’t show that you are brave or have courage it just shows that you are scared. From me reading that I learned a life lesson and that is Courage is something that comes from the heart and what you do to earn it. I could relate to Jem learning this lesson because my dad always told me that a gun does show that you have the strength or the courage to do anything. He said that to earn really courage you have to
Minor characters are often more important than they initially seem, and can be just as engaging and complicated as major characters. Furthermore, protagonists are isolated without the people that surround and influence them subliminally. This applies to the intriguing minor characters one has the privilege of discovering in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Specifically, Lee uses minor characters to effectively disprove stereotypes and establishing setting. Not only do they influence the direction of the plot, but also Scout and her development as a character. Lee carefully selects minor characters to send important messages and reinforce themes by using characters as symbols. Fundamentally, the minor characters in “To Kill a
"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."Jem has changed from a childish little boy to a 12 year old young adult and is able to make smart decisions.
At the beginning of the story the author wants us to infer that Jem thinks highly about Maycomb, however, Jem changes his perspective about Maycomb county as the story develops.
The awareness of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) has increased and the information available is better now than it was in the past. I believe many people are aware of concussions and traumatic brain injuries but not how it can affect their brain. Traumatic Brain injuries are a very complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. Many healthcare professionals in the field of brain injury often say, “If you’ve seen one concussion, you’ve seen one concussion.” Even a mild case of a concussion should not be taken lightly. People do not realize the impact it can have on a person and his/her family, it can be devastating. One of the leading causes of Brain Injuries is concussion as this has been brought to light by
Many people believe that weight training is only for athletes. However, weight training can benefit everyone. That is why it should be a part of your daily routine.
With all of the interesting and diverse characters in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are many points of view that can be considered, which encourages the readers to look at the story in multiple ways. The younger characters offer a different and interesting perspective to the book because of their development as they grow older with their shifting morality. Walter Cunningham and Dill are two wonderful examples of child characters with drastically different viewpoints. Another example would be Scout Finch, who starts off the novel by telling it from the point of view of the young child that she once was, which allows her character to start off very innocent and naïve. By the end of the book Scout develops into a more mature individual,