
How Does Atticus Show Rationalism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird is a book that employs many lessons in the story, and also uses multiple characters in the book to represent different ideas. Harper Lee uses characters such as Scout Finch, Atticus Finch, and Mayella Ewell to represent these ideas in the book. First of all, Scout represents determination through her forwardness and curiosity. Secondly, Atticus represents rationalism through his patience and kindness with others. Finally, Mayella represents foolishness through her hatred and overreactions. Overall, the use of these characters and their roles convey the story of To Kill A Mockingbird in an interesting and clear way.

Jean Louise -or Scout- is a representation of determination in the book. This is shown through her …show more content…

His patience, especially with Scout and Jem, is outstanding because of how well he handles tough situations with them. He has never raised his voice at them, and never gives them unreasonable punishments. He always uses his words, and uses them to resolve problems instead of yelling and ranting. Even with people who were very bitter, like Ms. Dubose, Atticus always spoke to her in a calm tone, and never started an argument with her. Atticus’ patience makes him very modest, and it is a big aspect of his rationalism.Furthermore, Atticus also demonstrates his rationalism through his kindness. He is kind towards everyone he encounters, whether they show kindness in return or not. He took the time to protect Tom Robinson at his jail so nobody would attack him at night, even though he didn’t have to. He was kind to the unkind, like Ms. Dubose. She always had something mean to say, but Atticus always greeted her kindly, as much as she hated him and his children. “When the three of us came to her house, Atticus would sweep off his hat, wave gallantly to her and say, “Good evening Ms. Dubose! You look like a picture this evening.”” (Lee 133). Overall, Atticus’ benevolent personality creates the idea of rationalism in his

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