1. Problem
2. Hypothesis
3. Support/Refute Hypothesis
4. Trend(What happened= one sentence)(Explain the trend=paragraph)
5. Error Discussion (2 sources of error or uncertainty)(Explain and include suggestions for improvement)
6. Validity (Are results valid?) (Explain using evidence and data from the lab and explain)
1. How does hot and cold water affect the rate at which food coloring is mixed in water?
2. If the temperature of the water increases, then the time will decrease for the food coloring to completely mix in with the water. This is because the hotter the temperature of that water, the foaster the molecules will be moving. This will result in the food coloring being mixed faster in the water.
3. The data does support the hypothesis. For example, both the cups of water differed after six minutes. The cup of hot water was evenly mixed with the green food coloring. There were very little to none pockets of clear water. However, the cold water wasn’t mixed in completely with the green food coloring. It spread across the bottom and the middle and top
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As the temperature of the water was increased, the rate of which the food coloring was completely mixed increased. The water molecules in the hot water were moving at a very fast speed. The kinetic energy created by the molecules had improved the rate of which the food coloring mixed in with the water. When the molecules in the water are moving around, they had picked up the food coloring as soon as it was dropped in the water. This then caused them to spread out the food coloring quicker because of their high speed of motion. That is mainly why the food coloring in the hot water had mixed faster than the cold water. This was different in the cold water because the motion of the molecules was very slow. This had decreased the kinetic energy in the water. That was why it took longer for the food coloring to mix because the molecules didn’t carry and move around as fast as the molecules in the hot
For our lab, we have six beakers of water. Three of the beakers contain high temperature water that range from 46 ℃ to 55 ℃, while the other three beakers contain room temperature water that range from 22 ℃ to 23 ℃. Then, we take six different colored Alka Seltzer tablets, and place them into the beakers one at a time. We record the length of time it takes for each Alka Seltzer to dissolve
One of our flaws was that the temperature of the water was not exactly the same when we did the different trials. The temperatures were slightly off from our recorded value during the experiments. The change in temperature would affect the time it took for the Alka-Seltzer tablet to dissolve in the water. If there was a direct relationship between water temperature and dissolve time, we would not be able to see it because the temperatures are off and the dissolve times are not associated with the correct temperature. Another flaw is that we did not use the same amount of water throughout the experiment. We used a beaker to measure the water, which did not result in accurate measurements. The difference in amount of water could result in a difference in reaction time. The third flaw in the experiment was that during the reaction of the warm water, the water in the cup overflowed and spilled, bringing some of the Alka-Seltzer tablet with it. There were different amounts of tablet in different areas of the water, which means a different amount of Alka-Seltzer remained inside of the cup in each trial. This difference would mean that data for the warm water would fluctuate and we would not have accurate
Many factors effect reaction rates, two shown above include temperature and concentration. Concentration affects the rate of reactions because the more concentrated a solution the more likely collisions between particles will be. This is simply because there are more particles present to collide with each other. When the temperature is higher, particles will
1. I predict the components I expect to see from each candy color will be watered down, mixed and dissolved pigments of each of the candy colors on the strip of paper.
Write a conclusion paragraph analyzing your results. In your conclusion, be sure to address the following questions:
2. This experiment is not able to support Matthew's hypothesis. Suggest specific improvements that will allow the experiment to more effectively test the given hypothesis. Explain why these changes are improvements.
The hypothesis tested in this experiment was, if the temperature of enzyme catalysis were increased, then the reaction rate would increase, because enzyme-catalysis reacts by randomly colliding with substrate molecules, and the increase in temperature increases the speed of collision or reaction rate. The final data collected for the experiment was positive with my hypothesis. The coffee filter, covered in potato solution, sank and rose at a faster pace in the hydrogen peroxide when the temperatures were raised.
Instructions: Prepare your responses to the following questions, referring to your observations made during the Method Section of this assignment. Type your answers, using complete sentences and proper grammar, as always. Number the answers you have prepared (1a, 1b, 1c, etc.)
The aim of the experiment will be to investigate how varying water temperatures influence the time of a chemical reaction, in this case being, a combination of Sodium Thiosulfate and Hydrochloric Acid.
Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of particles from where they are more concentrated to where they are less concentrated. For this experiment, a 14 cm glass was filled with cold tap water. A drop of red food coloring was dropped in the cup. A stopwatch was used to measure the time it took for the food coloring to get to the bottom of the cup. The average diffusion rate was .78 cm a second. If a different color was used, I do not think it would have made a difference in the results. The mood of the person experimenting could possibly alter the results. For example, if a person is under stress, they may accidentally squeeze too much altering the rate of diffusion. If the water was warmer, this may have sped the
An increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of betalain molecules thus increasing rate of diffusion of the red pigment from the cytoplasm into the distilled water. The denatured proteins and an increase in the fluidity of the phospholipid causes the substance contained in the membrane to leak out.
Than when it was sitting there. Observations (1-2 paragraphs): When the cornstarch was in the water mixture it was more difficult to stir/mix. I had taken out the spoon and dipped my finger in and because I did it slow the molecules didn’t react to it so it
I didn’t know that a penny could hold so many drops of water. After the water tension broke I was observing how the drops of water accumulated on the penny and it looked like a bubble of water or a dome made out of water. For the second small experiment I was even more shocked because everything was stable when I added the milk in the petri dish and then added the red food coloring the center. After I added the dishwashing liquid the red food coloring spread all over the petri dish making not possible to measure it. When I saw this reaction I decided to do it all over again but with more three other colors to get a better effect.
With a higher velocity signifying a lower viscosity, a velocity of 10.63 cm/s shows that the hot syrup was much thinner than room temperature syrup or cold syrup. An error that could have led to an outlier within the data is waiting too long before pouring the hot syrup. Not pouring the hot syrup quick enough can allow it to reach room temperature, rather than the desired hot temperature. The data for team cold shows that the cold syrup had the highest viscosity and flowed the slowest. The average velocity for the team was 0.91 cm/s, which is a significant difference from the hot syrup with the velocity of 7.15 cm/s. Opposite from the cold syrup, the average velocity of 7.15 cm/s in the hot syrup indicates that the hot syrup had the lowest viscosity and flowed the quickest.
was too fast to measure and so for my scale to reach above that, I