
How Does Hot And Cold Water Affect The Rate At Which Food Coloring Is Mixed In Water

Good Essays

1. Problem
2. Hypothesis
3. Support/Refute Hypothesis
4. Trend(What happened= one sentence)(Explain the trend=paragraph)
5. Error Discussion (2 sources of error or uncertainty)(Explain and include suggestions for improvement)
6. Validity (Are results valid?) (Explain using evidence and data from the lab and explain)

1. How does hot and cold water affect the rate at which food coloring is mixed in water?
2. If the temperature of the water increases, then the time will decrease for the food coloring to completely mix in with the water. This is because the hotter the temperature of that water, the foaster the molecules will be moving. This will result in the food coloring being mixed faster in the water.
3. The data does support the hypothesis. For example, both the cups of water differed after six minutes. The cup of hot water was evenly mixed with the green food coloring. There were very little to none pockets of clear water. However, the cold water wasn’t mixed in completely with the green food coloring. It spread across the bottom and the middle and top …show more content…

As the temperature of the water was increased, the rate of which the food coloring was completely mixed increased. The water molecules in the hot water were moving at a very fast speed. The kinetic energy created by the molecules had improved the rate of which the food coloring mixed in with the water. When the molecules in the water are moving around, they had picked up the food coloring as soon as it was dropped in the water. This then caused them to spread out the food coloring quicker because of their high speed of motion. That is mainly why the food coloring in the hot water had mixed faster than the cold water. This was different in the cold water because the motion of the molecules was very slow. This had decreased the kinetic energy in the water. That was why it took longer for the food coloring to mix because the molecules didn’t carry and move around as fast as the molecules in the hot

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