
How Does Diversity Make Us More Creative? Essay

Better Essays

Purpose: My purpose is to share my research on diversity and how it makes an individual more creative with my intended audience. I am researching to find three authors that have three different perspectives and answers to the question, “How does diversity make us more creative?”
Intended audience: My instructor is one member of my audience, which is part of the academic audience. My audience also includes employers, politicians, organizations, educators and my peers.
How does diversity make us more creative?
Most people want to know precisely how diversity can improve an individual’s intelligence and productivity. There are various ideas and explanations when it comes to explaining how diversity affects an individual. It is significant to understand the positives of working with a diverse group. Authors state their opinions on the subject of exploring diversity and the overall effect it has on a particular individual. Although there are authors that agree with the fact that diversity increases creativity, the authors use a variety of methods to support their results. More opportunities are available to a person as he or she works with a diverse group. An individual is more willing to listen to intriguing and intelligent ideas when working with a diverse group. Three authors use distinctive approaches to support the theory that diversity increases creativity by way of enhanced ideas.
Particularly, “How Diversity Makes Us Smarter”, written by Katherine W. Phillips, explains

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