
How Does Conformity Beat Individuality

Decent Essays

“It's weird not to be weird.” We all have our different sides of being someone, some of us try to fit in and some of us just want to be ourselves. We wonder why conformity would always beat individuality and not have individuality beat conformity? The meaning of conformity would be “behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards.” To add on, the meaning of individuality means “separate existence.” So most of the people in the world would try to be individuals but once in a lifetime they would conform with others. My own view of conformity and individuality as it relates to humanity, society, teenagers, and the world is when we fit in with others which is conforming cut this is why we should ce ourselves and not try to fit in with others, let them accept us by the way we are. In my opinion we should try to be individuals and not be conformist because we should appreciate who we are.
When we hear the topic of conformity we all try to be different and not become a group. Unfortunately we can't stand it so we are unable be individuals we …show more content…

6). Some of us are too scared to show ourselves so we don’t have the ability to be an individual. The author of the article, “Self Awareness And The Difficulties of Being Different” explains “the message of conformity in this world is so pervasive — it's everywhere” (Par.23). Although I agree with this article about what she said, in my point of view she should of talked about how individuality could also spread to people. Feys would agree with me. In “The Sociology of Leopard Man,” he explains to us “One can enjoy the benefits modern society offers without becoming dependant on society, but it takes a strong will” (par. 9). It is telling us who can make it through without conforming to others and be able to be an

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