
Conformity In Leopard Man, The Pedestrian, And Dead Poets Society

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According to Logan Feys , he says “Conformity can be seen as the world’s most common but dangerous psychological disorder.”In the story/documents of The sociology of Leopard Man, The Pedestrian, and Dead Poets Society talks about what non-conformity is about. It explains the difference between conformity and nonconformity. As we are members of conformity in today’s society, we cannot break out into the world of creativity. As we are bound to this, I believe that others should step out into the world and show who they really are in their abilities to create and follow their own voice, only then are we able to break out of this cage. Leopard man use to be a nonconformist before he retired back into society. But when he was a nonconformist, living the scottish wilderness by himself, he was happy. He felt like he found paradise, a place of his own where no one would really judge him. On page 1 of the article, he says in a rare interview,” As far as im concern,if there is paradise on earth, I’m in it. You’re welcome to what you got, I’ll keep this.” He left everything behind to live by himself, and yet, he …show more content…

IN the movie of Dead Poet Society, Professor Keats tries to convert or change the way his students look upon society. In the movie, he allows his students to stand up on top of the desk to see the classroom in a different perspective.Looking in another view can allow the individual to look at a different viewpoint of a scenery or object.Another way was to allow them to walk around in a circle to show other students. As they walked, Keats explained how walking got more alike as they kept walking. At first they would walk how they would usually, but later on, it would be the same as the other. When we are kids, we have the joy to be ourselves, but as time passes by, we conform more to other people. We try to be who we are

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