
How Does Atticus Show Justice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“To Kill a Mockingbird” Justice Essay Throughout the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus is constantly striving for justice. Atticus is a lawyer who strongly believes in doing the right thing. He has two children, Jem and Scout, who he believes should be taught complete honesty and fairness. Atticus is a vital character of the story who always shows his aspects on what he feels life should be lived. Throughout the novel, Atticus defends a black man, Tom Robinson, who is accused of raping a white woman, treats everyone equally, and is truthful. Harper Lee uses Atticus’ search for justice to illustrate racial equality and honesty. Atticus views Justice as equality and fair treatment for everyone, and this is thoroughly demonstrated in the novel. First of all, Atticus defends a black man named Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a white woman named Mayella Ewell. She comes from a very poor family and has many siblings. Even if Atticus does not necessarily want to defend Tom, he believes it is the morally correct thing to do. He knows Tom Robinson is innocent, but even if the evidence is clearly showing he is innocent, he will be proven guilty because he is African American. On page 76, Atticus describes to Scout when she asks why he is defending her, …show more content…

One of the many examples of Atticus showing equality is shown on pages 29-32, when Atticus talks to Walter Cunningham, a very poor boy Scout invited over for dinner. As previously stated, Atticus chose to defend a black man, even though he knows the jury will declare Tom guilty regardless of the evidence. Additionally, Atticus does not hold grudges and gives everyone a chance. For example, he gives both Mayella (the woman Tom was said to have “raped”) and Bob Ewell (Mayella’s father) a chance to describe what happened in their perspectives, even though he knew that Bob was guilty for Mayella’s rape. (Chapter

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