
How Does Atticus Show Courage

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In “To Kill a Mockingbird” a book written by Harper Lee, characters show courage in many ways. Scout shows courage by backing away from a fight that is calling her name after Atticus asks her to, Atticus shows it by defending Tom even though it could ruin him, and Arthur or “Boo” Radley shows it by coming out from his house to save Jem and Scout from a drunken Mr.Ewell. Characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” display courage by going through things they know might not turn out well for them. Courage can be a lot of things, whether it be standing up for someone, doing something scary, or in Scout’s case backing off from a fight. Scout is about to get into a fight with one of her classmates, Cecil Jacobs, when she remembers something Atticus had told her. …show more content…

‘Scout’s a cow–ward!’ ringing in my ears.”(Lee 102) Scout ends up walking away from the fight after remembering that Atticus had told her to never get into a fight because of what he did for work. This shows us courage because Scout has never backed off of a fight, as she is walking away Cecil begins to make fun of her which causes Scout to have to hold her tongue. Scout doesn’t back away because she wants to, she backs away because she respects Atticus’ wishes. Scout knows that this could ruin her reputation in the school and that backing away from this fight would not benefit her, but she does it anyway because Atticus had asked her to. Scout is courageous because she backs away from a fight after Atticus tells her to, even though people will think of her as a coward if she does back away. Another example of courage is Atticus taking the Tom Robinson

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